Help Me Get Something Other Than a Meme Character


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Apr 17, 2006
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I am on my 10th generation (v4), and all my characters have been from the Meme family. I am getting so bored with Memetchi and Ponichi (even though they are cute it gets a little boring after awhile). I've tried varying what I feed my tama, have tried to make sure its true love is from a character outside the Meme family, have tried getting alot of pencil and flower points - nothing works! I even got Makiko once, and her true love was Kuchipachi, but no luck. Is there anything I can do, or am I stuck getting the same characters over and over?


Well Gotchi Pal made a theory from tama-zone here it is

Sorry about the Meme group, spudilike. I don't know if it'll work for you, but i got the kuchi group 3 times just from not giving babies or toddlers any skill points at all, until they became teenagers. I received 3 Young Dorotchis by doing that. :huh: Again, i'm not 100% positive it'll work, but you should try it if you're really desperate.
Then again it seems so common to get the Meme group :) , All I can say is patience..

For me I mostly reset over and over again to get a certain child, like for example Mohitamatchi has a high chance of teen in the Kuchi group.

Nothing I can really say..

If you want something esle really bad, just do whatever with your tamagotchi. Try experimenting with stuff. Llike let all the hungry hearts/happy hearts go. Don't discipline your tama, or discipline it a lot, and make sure it has very light weight. Feed it a lot of snacks and play a lot of games.

try not caring for it for awile.sorri but u might get a univsial chachter. :ph34r: :furawatchi: :angry: <_<

Just wait.... the Meme group is very common I do get them alot as well, just keep doind what your doing what your doing and eventually you have to get nothing else.If not, just reset it!

Sorry. You'll keep getting that group. Whatever your character was when it was born is what it is for its WHOLE life. Trust me, I've got this happenin' right now. But I don't reccomend what Locky said. Lack of skill points get you a universal teen. But you could try it. Sorry. ^_^

Just try to get it a different job and still earn those other points. Earn all points but earn more of the other 2. Also take care of your tamagotchi differently.

If you get mohitamatchi as a kid, it's possible to get a kuchi family teen.

If you get harutchi as a kid, you'll have to get a mame teen with good care.

I found out, the way not to get meme is if you keep the points around the same number. When the points' numbers are farther apart, you're more likely to get meme.

Matchy :mametchi:

hi bunitama. l had the meme family from the 11th- 13th gen. l had a tosakatchi (13th gen) and he mated with a pukatchi. their kid became a mohitamatchi.

here is what I did:

l treated tsubutchi badly. l didnt clear the droppings until they amounted to 5, didnt feed it until it called at least twice, left the training bar empty(didnt praise it when it was crying etc), fed it alot of snacks and kept playing jump rope(its stats were 43 42 57), and once l got my desired stats l scolded him until his happy hearts decreased to one. after that, whenever it called becos the happy hearts were empty, l waited till he called at least twice before giving a snack(similar to the hunger hearts).

hoped l helped. peace

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