help me pleez


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Hmm. Difficult...

Like I said on another topic, this isn't advice, just my personal opinion, so don't do what I say because I don't know the consequences...

But... It's difficult, it really is. Maybe try and talk to him, ask if he has any crushes right now? You never know, he may feel the same about you and is just as worried about the risks of friendship loss too.

Or try talking to one of his close male friends and see if they can ask if he likes you?

Or write a letter explaining you like him but you're afraid of losing his friendship?

I'm bad with relationship knowledge, I apologise =)


awww cute


id grow like straight up and ask him, welll in your case, tell him

im really an honest person

and like i get shy

but sometimes, i get over my shyness really quick, and i just get over with it

haha idk if thatll help you?

hopefully it will

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