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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2007
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St. Albert, Alberta
For at least a month now every time I go to bed and read until at least 10:15pm (or maybe later.... :lol: ) I have been scared to death for no reason and I can't get to sleep. Last night I was awake until past 12am scared to death and on the brink of crying. I don't know why or how this started but one thing is for sure. I don't want to be spending the rest of my life doing that! My mom thinks that it's horemones(sp?) but I don't think that it's that. Are some of you having this same problem? Any tips? Please help me!

Is it nightmares? Some nightmares and dreams, you wake up with strange feelings, and you don't know why. Thats becuase you have forgotten them instantly! :lol:

That could be it.

Please post back, give us a little more infomation. :chohimetchi:

Is it nightmares? Some nightmares and dreams, you wake up with strange feelings, and you don't know why. Thats becuase you have forgotten them instantly! :chohimetchi: That could be it.

Please post back, give us a little more infomation. :ichigotchi:
No it's not bad dreams because I don't get to sleep because I'm always to scared. I'll try to explain better:

I go to bed at aroung 9 something and read until past 10. When I'm done reading I put down my book and close my eyes but then all of these scary images pop into my head of murdered people and I think it's because I have glimpsed a few CSI shows and seen the bloody people and then I have trouble getting to sleep because the images keep popping into my head and I start thinking that those people are in my room and I get all freaked out.

Is that explained better? :lol:

What are you actually scared of?

I feel really tired And read, until its really late! I lose track of time when im reading :lol:

If its something in the book thats scaring you then read another book, or have a warm drink of milk, or horlicks.

and try to get to sleep earlier, go upstairs to bed and hour or so earlier so you have time to settle down for sleep :chohimetchi:

Or try looking the internet for tips on getting a good nights sleep :ichigotchi:

Good Luck!


What are you actually scared of?I feel really tired And read, until its really late! I lose track of time when im reading :furawatchi:

If its something in the book thats scaring you then read another book, or have a warm drink of milk, or horlicks.

and try to get to sleep earlier, go upstairs to bed and hour or so earlier so you have time to settle down for sleep :D

Or try looking the internet for tips on getting a good nights sleep :D

Good Luck!

I just said what I was scared of in that other post. It's the scary scenes in shows like C.S.I and other shows where people get murde***. The scenes show bloody gross dead people and when I go to bed those scary images keep flashing through my mind. I think that that's the cause of it all.

Sorry if some of those words are kinda bad.

No it's not bad dreams because I don't get to sleep because I'm always to scared. I'll try to explain better:
I go to bed at aroung 9 something and read until past 10. When I'm done reading I put down my book and close my eyes but then all of these scary images pop into my head of murdered people and I think it's because I have glimpsed a few CSI shows and seen the bloody people and then I have trouble getting to sleep because the images keep popping into my head and I start thinking that those people are in my room and I get all freaked out.

Is that explained better? :ichigotchi:
Yeah, thats better! :D

I understand now. I get scary pictures popping up in my mind all the time when I'm trying to get to sleep. :eek: Its scary...But I grew out of it.

I'm not sure what to suggest...Maybe you'll grow out of it too. Why don't you play a game, listen to music of something just before you get into bed...? :kusatchi:

So you're in bed with a happy feeling...? :kuribotchi:

it's simple really... don't watch the CSI shows but if u really like them just kepp peaking at the channel throughout the day or if ur at school get ur parents to do it 2 find out if the show u like is on at a earlyer time... n don't listen 2 music dat bad trust me it get u even more freaked out XD

I used to have this problem.

When I was younger, and closed my eyes, scary images would pop into my head. Like tornados, dead people, ect. I had to keep opening my eyes so they would go away. What did I do? Since you seem to be having the same problem........I'll tell you.

This may not work for everybody, but what I tried to do is whenever a scary picutre crossed my mind I'd make it turn into something funny. Like, if I saw a bloody person, I'd picture it lifting it's head, having big googly eyes and a smile, saying, "Hiyaaa!" or anything to make it not so scary.

Also what I still do now, is go to the very edge of my bed and cuddle down under the blankets. If you can't see them, they can't see you, right?

And lastly, just remember that they are all fake! Dead bodies are real of course, but there is no way they will appear in your bedroom. :ichigotchi:

Love, Tgd

What helps me when I go through that stuff is turning the radio on and listening for a while. I just shut my eyes and steady my breathing a bit. You get more freaked out and dizzy when you're hyperventilated (sp?) You can also GO TO BED EARLIER! When you're tired your eyes can play tricks on you and see things how they are not. You know, illusions and imaginary things. And also, try thinking about something else while you're lying in bed. Like school, sport, a really happy moment with someone, jokes, your friends, that stuff. It should get you to sleep a bit quicker, too.

Try to get to bed earlier so its still light outside, its still light at about 7pm in the uk because the clocks went forward 1 hour on sunday (Im not sure if its the same is america). Or you can keep a lamp on all night thats next to you or keep your door open Ajar so that some light gets in. just think of something that makes you happy like going on holiday or something :eek:

Aimme x

What I do is think of what I'm going to do the next day! If that doesn't help then try getting a dream catcher! It helps honestly! If you get any scary dreams then try to sing yourself to sleep (that's what I do!) or try having something that you can cuddle if you get scared like a pillow or a teddy!

OH YES! I read a book at night once (god knows i did,nt want to!) And later that night i was scared to death and up till 2 a.m! I was sooooo scared that i did not go to school that day! OMG! I am scared now! HELP ME PLZZZZ! LOL

My mom is a lawyer, which is pretty cool and stuff. Sometimes she will tell me about her court cases and such (she does domestic violence. i.e. child abuse, kidnappings, D.U.I., boyfriend beat up girlfriend, murder, etc). It is interesting, but I admit, sometimes I'll get quite scared. :eek: Here is what I do when it is really bad:

1) Sleep with my cell phone

2) Before I go to bed, I double check to make sure that my window is locked and same with all the doors

3) I have my dad tuck me in bed

Really, you should try talking to your parents. They can really comfort you with times like these.

Hope I helped.

Tama_Lover994 :(

Hey me too....except not anymore ...I use to like to watch Cold Case Files or Unsolved Mysteries or American Justice or The First 48 or any other kind of REAL CRIME and at night I would get all scared and those memories flash back ..and I can't sleep ....just stop watching them and watch comedy before you go sleep or before you works for me because now I dont watch those shows anymore and I am sleeping more than ever lol..more like a baby........I hope this help you alot ............... :( :eek: :) :)

For at least a month now every time I go to bed and read until at least 10:15pm (or maybe later.... :( ) I have been scared to death for no reason and I can't get to sleep. Last night I was awake until past 12am scared to death and on the brink of crying. I don't know why or how this started but one thing is for sure. I don't want to be spending the rest of my life doing that! My mom thinks that it's horemones(sp?) but I don't think that it's that. Are some of you having this same problem? Any tips? Please help me!

i used to be so scared that someone would come and steel me ((long store PM if ya wana ask)) but i finaly got over it

when i waz still in that little "faze" my fan in mine and me siters room feel off the dresser and i screamed and screamed !! but thats anthor thing that scared me

but it ends

That happened to me as well! The other night I was watching bones and there was a severed head and it was all grey. I was so freaked out but my parents weren't home so what I did was I got a third pillow and used that to cuddle as if it were my mum or something. It does help trust me! Another time I was reading this book before bed and I got really freaked out and had nightmares near the end of it. I dreamt I was falling from a really tall building into pointy rocks in the ocean. I woke up crying twice. What I did was I told my mum and she got me a warm blanket from the airing closet.

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