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Well-known member
Aug 14, 2007
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[SIZE=14pt]i've been dealing with serious depression i cry almost everyday i don't know why, i've gotten very emotionally sensitive since this started, i find myself walking around all the time. i don't like this happening i want it to stop, do any of you have any therapy's for it?[/SIZE]




I have one, though I'm not sure it's correct. Let me just throw it out:


Hm :S

Well I dont know whats causeing that but I have something taht might help,








Write some more.

Yes, Puberty might be it. IDK forgot to tell you in april my grandma died :D so that might have caused it

... i don't like this happening i want it to stop, do any of you have any therapy's for it? 


If you are suffering from any genuine form of depression make an appointment to see your Doctor, have it diagnosed professionally and discuss the various options you may have available to you. We are not doctors, we're not qualified to suggest any form of "therapy".

If you are a pre-teen or teenager who just hates feeling down then all I can say is that (almost) every single member of TamaTalk has experienced it or will experience it in their teens. Hormones and mood swings :D

I felt the same for the first three months of the school year. I suggest you go to the doctor and talk to him or her about it. I did, and I was put on Lexapro for anxiety, just meaning I was stressed, got emotional easily, and was getting constant headaches and stomach problems. It was not a fun time. But now I feel better~ :3

That's really tough. And I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. :wacko:

I agree pretty much with everyone that's posted so far.

As TamaMum said, about every teen gets depressed and moody at some point in their lives.

The way you're describing it, I don't think it really relates to puberty though. You get moody during puberty. There is a difference between being very moody and flat out depressed.

Talk to your doctor. I've never personally seen a therapist, but my one friend has. It's helped her a lot. She said it was it helped her see things she always knew, just never completely realized. It can be very benificial.

Try talking to a school counselor as well. They can really help if you don't feel ready to go to a doctor and don't feel comfortable enough talking to your parents.

Depression is a serious mental illness. You should see someone for it, because it's usually not something that can be handled on one's own.

Hopefully everything works out for you.

BTW, I'm glad that you asked for help. Most people don't like to admit to it or tell anyone about it. You're already on your way to recovery. ;)

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IDK, i doubt i should see a docter, idK if it will stop...


IDK, i doubt i should see a docter, idK if it will stop...

... you doubt you should see a doctor? :p

Does that mean you don't think it's real depression, and you're just feeling down?

If yes, then I think it will stop sooner or later. You just have to find things to keep yourself busy and active / distracted.

If no and you think it is real depression then see a Doctor or you'll probably be right, it will not stop. :wacko:

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