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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2009
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Gah. I might as well tell you the whole story. Remember the topic about me getting a date? Anyways, I'll tell you the whole story. After much BAWWING.


Me: "You said you were gay too, right. Well I'm gay too, maybe we could hang out.."

Him: *Big Grin* "Ohh, I'm sorta busy, Imma let you know tommorow."


No sign of him... I seen him later that day.. Didn't bother to bother him..


I seen him, and stopped him. I asked him about my appointment with him... And I apologized to him for coming on too strong. He's all like meet him at lunch... I asked him if he was lying about going to hang out with me... He says "Ohhh, no. That's one thing I don't do: lie."

I was coming to lunch, and he came like SUPER late. He came there so late, I had enough time to use the bathroom, and fix myself up.. I found him walking in the hallway to the library.. I was behind him, for some strange reason.. His friends were like FAR behind him, walking extremely slow. For some strange reason.. He turned his head around. Not noticing me, but his friends.. It's strange because, people don't usually know if you're behind them.. Or look back that suspiciously..

I walk up to him and say, "Uhh... is this ok with you?" SO, he said "Ohhhh, I have a student council meeting to go to. I am so sorry". So I believed him.. But I didn't hear any thing about a student council meeting, nor him being in it.. You know me when I get disappointed. I just walked away and said "Ohh." He didn't bother to make up another appointment.. It's like when he talks to me, he stares real deeply at me.

So I actually gave up. Not going to tell you how I felt, because well, guess. ARGH. I'm not upset he didn't like me, I'm just upset he would make all those excuses to avoid me.

Should I not bother him anymore?

I say give it a while then talk to him again. I mean, maybe you should try talking to him like a normal friend? Just spark up a conversation about something different? Then depending on how he acts around you, maybe ask him again.

Is there any non face-to-face way you can approach him? There is a possibility he's uncomfortable with having a relationship. Try not to ask questions that make him nervous such as "Why do you keep avoiding me?!" Hope I helped~

.... ARGH. I'm not upset he didn't like me, I'm just upset he would make all those excuses to avoid me.
Should I not bother him anymore?
I think you have answered your own question.... from everything you have described it sounds totally like he is not interested in you romantically :huh:

Straight or gay, there will always been ppl who just find it difficult to turn someone down to their face. He's obviously one of them ;)

He may just be scared of having a relationship at the moment. Idk.

He knows you like him, so if he likes you, it's up to him now to make things happen. I think you should sit back for a bit. When you can, spark up conversation, on a different subject though, so if he does like you he knows you don't hate him for turning you down. That's if you still like him, that is.

He's either being a jerk, and if so you shouldn't waste your time.

Or, he likes you and is nervous. If thats the case, all you can do is wait for him to be ready.

Yeah he must be nervous! >.<

The way he's acting I'm afraid it seems like he's not interested. >____<;

Him running away means he's not to sure how to talk to you about it.


You should talk to him over MSN or email.

That way he's less nervous or uncomfortable about it.

I'm sure he's a nice guy. There's obliviously a reason why he would blow you off.


So talk to him and find out what he really thinks!

I shouldn't have jumped all fast to conclusions are stuff.

Um.. Today, I said "Yeah, if you weren't interested, you could've tell me. I won't bother you anymore." I said it nervously laughing.

Then he goes and says "What makes you think I wasn't interested into you? Last weekend was just very bad. I'll meet you Tuesday". Then he rambles on and on about how wrong I was thinking, and how bad his week was. And he said he wasn't trying to avoid to me Thursday, he said he didn't see me. I forget. x.x He said more, but I'm terrible at remembering junk.


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Try one more time. If he ignores you, I would just give up. It's the other guy's loss.

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