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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2006
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Help me somebody my tama wont turn into an adult! and its supposed to say 2 years old but it says 1 year old...

what should i do?!?! ;)

Firstly, I would post any questions you have about your tamagotchi in the Help for New Tamagotchi Owners forum (instead of Comments & Rumours) - you will probably get more views and more replies :)

I will move it there for you! :D


Lemme are a Teenager. Teenagers take 2 days to turn 2 days old which they then will be in their adult stage. It's because you kept your tamagotchi on pause all night. Tonight, why don't you leave your Tamagotchi on for a change :) You will surely see your tamagotchi at the age of 2. I hope I helped :D


i didnt pause my tama and it just turned 2 so i will wait until tommorrow and see if it will be an adult! thanx anyway!! :D

oh sorry you replied that it did ^_^ congrats adults/teens are cool in the tama you never know what youll get! ^_^

Firstly, I would post any questions you have about your tamagotchi in the Help for New Tamagotchi Owners forum (instead of Comments & Rumours) - you will probably get more views and more replies :(
I will move it there for you! ^_^


ON TOPIC: your tamagotchi will turn three when u named it (around that time) if u did not pause it. (a day, basically :( ) so, give or take the time u paused it for, u should find its basic birthday time (when it should change into an adult) i like to watch for the evolving time myself so good luck with that ^_^

If u normally pause ur tamagotchi try leaving it unpaused for a while until it grows up witch should happen fast. I tried it when i had that problem and it worked! :)

what you need to do is make sure that you'r weight is in it's 30s .

hope that helps limboloo22 :) :) :hitodetchi:

Here's my advice:

NEVER pause. If you are going somewhere or are very busy, set the time to your tamagotchi's bedtime that way it will sleep and continue to grow. When your tamagotchi is paused, it isn't growing and it will slow down the growing process or not have it grow at all! Just use my advice, NEVER PAUSE!



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