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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2007
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I need help! My cat, Is kinda limping. Every time I touch his thigh, He screams! He has a tick on his face, inside one of his whiskers. He can walk..but not with out a Midium sized Limp. It looks like he hasent eaten, because, You can see his hip bone! He looked Fine yesterday! He was acting normal yesterday! I dont know what happnd! My mom doesnt consider the vet right now. But I think we need the vet right now! Im realy scared! He doesnt mind being picked up normaly, but now he screams! He is an outside cat, but for the past 2 days, he's stayed inside! Please! I need answers. FAST!

Thanks to who ever helps me...



Nearly every sentence had an exclamation mark :eek:

Instead of asking for help on a forum, go to a vet immediately. Asking for help on a forum could possibly make the problem worse, and could be endagering your cat's life. I am nearly sure no one here is a vet, and no one here can help you.

Go to the vet now, otherwise the problem could get worse ;)

Nearly every sentence had an exclamation mark :eek:
Instead of asking for help on a forum, go to a vet immediately. Asking for help on a forum could possibly make the problem worse, and could be endagering your cat's life. I am nearly sure no one here is a vet, and no one here can help you.

Go to the vet now, otherwise the problem could get worse ;)
But thats the thing! VET! My mom doesnt want to go to the vet! thats why Im askeing for help!

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But thats the thing! VET! My mom doesnt want to go to the vet! thats why Im askeing for help!
Well, did you take the tick off of him yet? You need to do that. He obviously got hurt somehow. Make sure that he eats (watch him next time you feed him) and don't let him go out today or tomorrow. If you know your vet's phone number, you can call them and ask them what might be wrong, to see if it's serious. Most of the time the vet will ask you to wait a day or two, unless they think that's it's really serious and your cat might die.

Well, did you take the tick off of him yet? You need to do that. He obviously got hurt somehow. Make sure that he eats (watch him next time you feed him) and don't let him go out today or tomorrow. If you know your vet's phone number, you can call them and ask them what might be wrong, to see if it's serious. Most of the time the vet will ask you to wait a day or two, unless they think that's it's really serious and your cat might die.
My mom called the vet Whaile I was at school. He said "Welll...if he's still limping tomorrow, ring him in." so fo course, my mom was mad...Im realy scared. This is how my 1st dog died... :angry:

I think your kitty got in a fight. Poor thing!

Though your Mom is mad, the vet is the best option, they will find out whats wrong, and help you fix it.

Good Luck Kitty Cat.


I need help! My cat, Is kinda limping. Every time I touch his thigh, He screams! He has a tick on his face, inside one of his whiskers. He can walk..but not with out a Midium sized Limp. It looks like he hasent eaten, because, You can see his hip bone! He looked Fine yesterday! He was acting normal yesterday! I dont know what happnd! My mom doesnt consider the vet right now. But I think we need the vet right now! Im realy scared! He doesnt mind being picked up normaly, but now he screams! He is an outside cat, but for the past 2 days, he's stayed inside! Please! I need answers. FAST! Thanks to who ever helps me...


I think you should take your cat to a trip to the vet, he'll know whats going on with your cat ;)

My mom says its comeing out of my alowance(SP) but were gonna take him to the vet tomorrow...

thanks for all your help guys! ;)

Well, I'm not a docta, but I play one on TV. NO, just kidding. I think ur cat has lyme disease. I'd get him a blood test and commit him to an insane asylum that excepts limping cats. Since, he is an outdoor cat I'd check to make sure if you have any ticks on ur whiskers.

Seriously he has lyme disease same thing happen to my dad last week, he was an outside dad and he was limping. I swear everytime I touched his thigh he would scream. We are going over to the insane asylum right now to bring him his Christmas gift.

signing off,


:[ Make sure to let us know what he has! I hope your kitty gets better :(

He's screaming when you touch a limping leg, it would be best to take him to the vets before it gets more serious. It would be a fraction away from snapping and the time your waiting he could damage it more. Not that his leg is about to snap, I'm just using a scenario.

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