help no sound


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Nov 20, 2006
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i did the background change on my v3 and everything went perfectly until i tried to screw the board back on and my pinky accidently hooked against both of the sound line thing. they both came off and now any solution how im suppost to put it back?

would the school glue work? i tried tape but it woudnt hold if i use my finger to hold it there's sound.

so how should i fix it.? glue stick?

i changed the back ground on my V3 before, but the sound still works, i wouldnt suggest a glue stick tho since the parts of a tama are sorta small so if you glued something they parts might stick together and your tama would be worse, when i changed my background i measured the one that was previously inside the tama, then i took a peice of construction paper (it was pink) and i did some designs on it,

i did the background change on my v3 and everything went perfectly until i tried to screw the board back on and my pinky accidently hooked against both of the sound line thing. they both came off and now any solution how im suppost to put it back?would the school glue work? i tried tape but it woudnt hold if i use my finger to hold it there's sound.

so how should i fix it.? glue stick?
Hmmm, I don't think that glue would work. I would suggest saving your money for a brand new Tamagotchi.

Well, then maybe you could take it to a store to fix it for free!?

I'm clueless...

-Paisley 520

If that happened to me, I would take it back to the shop. If you can't do that, then I would get a new one. Don't use a glue stick because like a previous member said, it will make some parts of your tama's insides stick together. :)

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news! :D

none of them works i dont know why... im trying to find the reciept so i can return it to the store

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