Help.... One More Time


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Oct 24, 2006
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Is their anyway to make them older faster? (I tried that thing where you set the time one minute before they go to bed and one minute before they wake up but it didn't work.)

When they're old enough to mate when I connect them where do I make them go?

Is their anyway to make them older faster? (I tried that thing where you set the time one minute before they go to bed and one minute before they wake up but it didn't work.)

When they're old enough to mate when I connect them where do I make them go?
There is no way of making a character evolve and age faster. :pochitchi: The only way you can help is: by not pausing your Tamagotchi for too long, etc.

When Tamagotchis mate, either the MatchMaker comes, or you can connect with another friend, etc. :D You will see the two characters together, fireworks burst out, and finally, you will have a baby with your Adult! :D

If you are connecting- try connecting with your companion numerous of times, after about a day of connecting, you should see four hearts under each of your Tamagotchi that you are connecting. This means that they are in love. :D Connect another few times, and you should see your both adults together, and in love. The Female, will have twins, and one of the twins will stay with the mother, and the other will come to your Male character. :mametchi:

-Good Luck- :furawatchi:


Yes Tama-Love is correct.

There is one more way to help your tama grow faster, it is to debbug it. You have the choice of Hyperspeed. It is not somthing you would like to toy with if you arent so good with Electronics, but i have debugged mine and it works perfectly :( it is ricky though, so i wouldnt do it until you find out a lot about tamas,

Hope i helped,


Well debugging your Tama is very risky but listed below is a little FAQ put together on how to properly debug your Tama.



So just be carefull but I wouldnt reccomen this at all.

Good luck!

:( Itachi :(

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