Help please, Girls


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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2005
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Well 6th grade is next year and I want a boyfriend. All my friends are getting them. Well there's this one guy i like and I know he likes this other girl but I know he liked me last year. I don't know how to ask him. Please help!

1st, I know this sounds VERY corny but... just because your friends have one doesnt mean you should. You shuld control your life but if you really want one:

1. be yourself

2.pace yourself

3. Wait until your ready.


1st, I know this sounds VERY corny but... just because your friends have one doesnt mean you should. You shuld control your life but if you really want one:
1. be yourself

2.pace yourself

3. Wait until your ready.

I agree with you, Surfer_girl. You can't rush these things (OMG I'm sounding like my mom!!! XD) They just have to happen on there own. Like Surfer_girl said, just be yourself around him and just, I dunno, try to get to know him for who he is; not who else he dates. Do you like him for how he acts and his character? Do you like him for his looks? HELLO MAJOR QUESTION!!! Can you see yourself spending enjoyable times with him? Analize these things before you take a risk---- like asking him out. BUT WHATEVER YOU DO, IF YOU ARE GONNA ASK HIM OUT, DO IT YOURSELF!!! If you have someone else do it for you, it signalizes that you are nervous around him. But all in all, the point of this paragraph was good luck and think before you do something you'll regret later. I hope that me and my pep talk and questions get you thinking about yourself, what you want, and what is good for you.



well make sure he knows u like him, but dont be to obbvious, or it will get on his nerves. and then if he gets the hint he maybe will like u and maybe he wont. but dont worry about it there are tons of fish in the sea

In my opinion I don't think you have to do the same as your friends do. I think that most boys aren't probably up to that sort of thing at such a young age, and it probably isn't the kind of thing you are looking for. Of course, I may be wrong, but I think its best to perhaps wait 2 or 3 years. ;) After all, the world is hardly going to end if your friends have boyfriends and you don't (you will probably find they will soon end up breaking up, or not having 'the time of their lives' at all).

Heres a hint:

You sound a little jealous of your friend! Don't date anyone because that gives u an image that you'll be with everyone anytime! Wait till u find a guy that is wat u really would date!

HIH (hope I helped)


You are never going to find a boyfriend worth anything with that kind of 'I need one!' or 'All my friends have one!' attitude.

Trust me, in 6th grade, boyfriends are a total waste of time. They are still marturing and changing just like you are so although you may think 'I'll stick to him foreva'!!11!1' and the next year when he's changed you'll be going, 'what the heck was I thinking?'.

It's just a mess. Don't get a 'boyfriend' until you are ready to get married and stay with him the rest of your life.

Trust me, in 6th grade, boyfriends are a total waste of time.
In 7th grade, too.

Hey, I've been keeping my eyes on the same guy for 3 years now, and he hasn't grown at all -___-;;

I tottaly agree with tamaw/pants, it takes some time, and hey, if you really think he's the one, ask him! Don't be at all nervous, if you ask him, and not your friends, he will like your confidence!

tamasweet2 :unsure:

TWP has a very good point there. I totally agree with her. But if you really do want a boyfriend and you know he likes someone else take some time to talk to him and get to know each other. Be yourself. And if he doesn't like you, he's not worth going after.

Personally, I don't even think you should be dating now. <<

Because it'll just end up in a fight and broken hearts.

But if you still really like, just ask him out and get it over with, or wait for him to ask you out. :)

Just because your friends are getting boyfriends/girlfriends it doesn't mean everyone has to be the same, what's wrong with being a little different?

If you like someone then that's different but if it's just for the sake of it it's pointless.

Well 6th grade is next year and I want a boyfriend. All my friends are getting them. Well there's this one guy i like and I know he likes this other girl but I know he liked me last year. I don't know how to ask him. Please help!
You make getting a boyfriend sound like you're getting a new wardrobe or a "cool" accessory. Please take the advice given in this topic and rethink your goals :D

Wow, aren't u a little young??

In my school theres boyfriend/girlfriend in the 4th grade, but in my grade, everyone thinks thats loserish... but everyone has their own opinions. Just focus on your schoolwork :D B)

Don't get a 'boyfriend' until you are ready to get married and stay with him the rest of your life.
I don't agree with that. You can date when you 16, though your not ready to be married.

I don't agree with that. You can date when you 16, though your not ready to be married.
You can actually date whenever you want, there is no age limit. But some people do get lucky and marry their first love/boyfriend - girlfriend.

I was saying, don't just date 'cuz' date because you want to spend your life with someone and I would hope it'd be the guy/girl you are dating.

..........///_\\\\ whoa! thats cool!


.........))\_-_/ ((\ In my opinion i think you should write him a note, if you dont wanna ask him yourself.

.........)'_/.".\_`\) Just say that you like him and that maybe you could go to a movie sometime. Also say that if he

.....././._.\.../...\ doesnt want to, you can just be friends



.......\.'...'.. //./




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I agree with every1 but if your desprite try this...

1. Plan A. Try Sending Love Notes Until You Feel Ready To Confront him yourself -but dont be 2 obvious remember love notes are anonymous.

2. Plan B. If love notes dosn't suit you try talking to your friends about it they wont mind if they're true friends. You might even be able to think of a plan with your friends help.

3. Plan C -Last Resort- Tell him. Remember life has up and downs and if he liked you last year then deep down he probly still likes you.

I hope this helps!

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