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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2007
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Okay, I really like this guy. I'm being dared to call him on Friday. I really want to talk to him, that's why I acepted the dare. (Which I normally wouldn't have done, but I really, REALLY like him. :chohimetchi: )

What should I say? I know it sounds stupid, but it's happeing. :marumimitchi:

This may be unbeleivable, but talking to guys you like is just like talking to regular people.

Just be like

"Hey, what's up"

And stuff like that XD

Ask him how his summer's been, ask him if he's happy about school, If he knows what teachers he wants.... Like, anything XD

Talk to him like if you've known him for a while, and as if he's your best friend. Make eachother laugh, it's fun :marumimitchi: A guy in my class and I get along really well just by making eachother laugh and we hug eachother uber tightly when we see eachother. ^O^

I agree. Just try not to get nervous, and talk to him like he's a normal person.

Actually, that's exactly what I did with my [now ex~] boyfriend.

Most of our conversations consisted of, 'So..' .. 'So.' .. 'What's up?' .. 'Nothin.' .. 'Fun.' .. 'Very.'

And occasionally a complaint about school or our families. Oh, we were the most exciting people.

I agree. Just try not to get nervous, and talk to him like he's a normal person. Actually, that's exactly what I did with my [now ex~] boyfriend.

Most of our conversations consisted of, 'So..' .. 'So.' .. 'What's up?' .. 'Nothin.' .. 'Fun.' .. 'Very.'

And occasionally a complaint about school or our families. Oh, we were the most exciting people.
Oh yes ^^

Well, I felt the same way the first time I called (now my bf) my crush, after a while we just talked like friends, and eventually we became like best friends, it's just like talking to anyone, the more you get to know them, the better friends you become.

BTW if he says no when you ask him out, wave it off and say like "It was a dare" if you feel embarrassed



Just call him up, and be confident and smart. No need to be nervous, it's just a guy! (and believe it or not, they can get nervous too! I know, omg that's so weird, right? O:)


Ask him some general questions, like how his summer's been going, what clubs/activites he plans to do during the schoolyear, how he's been doing...just stuff like that. Hopefully, he's a nice guy and you guys will have a fun conversation. ^__^


If he gets kind of shy, then just keep your cool and find an easy way to end the conversation so it doesn't get awkward, like "Oh, someone else is calling on the other line, I have to go. Maybe we can talk some other time. :p "


If he gets rude (which hopefully wont happen!), then just say something like "Oh, I have to go eat *meal*", or "I have to help *person in family*. Bye then." :p


I hope I could prove of some assistance!





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[SIZE=13pt]O-O I was dared to do the exact same thing when I was younger!! XD[/SIZE]

It was sooo weird. I was like

"Uhh Hi? Hoiland?"

"Oh hey Hannah? Uhh what's up?"

"Uhh nothing...Sorry for calling, one of my friends dared me to call you!"

"Oh Hahaha, weird."

"Yeah...Well, I'll talk to you later?"

"Uhh, ok sure. See yeah"

"Sorry about this!"

"No problem"




xD lol...It was so weird, and more so awkward.


But don't be like me! Follow the other peoples advice that's already posted before me! :D

Just make sure to stir up a conversation, and ask him how he's been doing!

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