Help..... Pleasee.... My friends...


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Mametchi 4ever

Well-known member
Aug 27, 2006
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At Yankee Stadium admiring field.
Anyway, at school... I have two friends. Friend A, and Friend B. The problem is, Friend A is calling Friend B(All 3 of us are good friends who hand out often together) bossy, and thinks she is very mean. Friend B is sad, and is never that bossy, she's actually pretty nice. I have never been absent, and have NEVER missed anything that happened between the two. The big problem now is, Friend A supposingly "Told" Friend B she wanted to DITCH me, and that I was hurting her, and giving her bruises. Dude, there's no WAY you can get a bruise from patting someones back... Unless you slapped hard enough, but otherwise, NO way, I have never punched Friend A. Now it seems the two will split apart....

Friend A has quite a selection of people to hang with.

Friend B has NO friends!! Nada!!!! Friend A and another Friend© were being mean to her days back by making her go tell the guy she liked "I love you." and yeah... Friend B didn't do it, and got mad, and hated Friend A and Friend C.

Today Friend A wasn't here, Friend B and I hung out alone, and what was in the first big chunk above is pretty much what happened. What should I do? It's likely by now they'll split apart... Me, I'm stuck in the middle. I also have other friends too..

I'll suggest for this situation that you let BOTH your friends A and B know you care about them both equally and that all this bickering and carrying on is not helping you, and if friend A were your friend they wouldn't be stirring up such trouble for friend B and trying to make you choose sides (Make sure you tell them BOTH the same thing, same wording, same everything individually, and be clear that enough is enough).

Let them both know you're sick of it and you need a hiatus from both sides to be on your end and deal with your own issues, and until both sides can come to some form of truce or agreement not to continue this stupid war, you remain neutral and will ONLY hang with both friends seperately, and agree not to speak about another friend harshly no matter what happens. Then simply just walk away and let them sort their OWN issues out.

Sometimes with people taking sides and such, the only way for one or both sides to get the hint you're sick of the drama is to put a temporary end to the friendship until people decide to grow up. It'll be hard and you might feel guilty later, but know you need to look out for YOUR OWN sanity and wellbeing right now and the only way your friends will get the drift is you leaving the whole war behind.

Ok guys... Thanks. Today I think it might have cleared up just a bit, but I think Friend A is still slightly unaware of what's going on. Friend B still says she was mean.
It's best to just walk away. They'll both realize what they're missing if they keep bringing you into stuff like that.

- _ - hmm... interesting situation.

I'd reccommend you to just tell them how you feel. Tell them that you hate it when they fight, and that you would really wish they could just get along. If they continue to argue, they're not worth your time.

Chatterbox :marumimitchi:

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