help? poor little tyler froze!


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Oct 11, 2006
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ok, i'm not exactly new to tamagotchis but this is my first v.4. I am sorry if this is in the wrong section or something. i know about the typos, sorry if it makes me look like a n00b. just please read i'll do almost anything for poor tyler.

ok, so yesterday my aunt took us(me and my sis) to get us our late birthday presents. i got a v.4, she got a double pack of magnetix. they were carried home in the same bag. when we got home i read through the instruction manul, and turned him on.

he had a very shakey start. when i removed the tab there was nothing but a blank screen. i jabed the paper back in and out a few times and whith each time it would flash a couple bars of pixels, or turn off. eventualy i managed to make an egg apear, after a few resets. it bobbed a couple times, then froze.

my dad took it out and tested the battery. still 3.5 volts, that should be enough. he put it back in and an egg appeared, and didnt freeze. i set the time, date, and it hatched to be a boy. i named him tyler. i played many games of jump rope and took the est care of him, kept him at minimum weight (5) and earned many skill points. i think it was 33, 31, 37. eventually it avolved to the kid shown in the manul (whatsitsname) and fell asleep.

i made it a bed of tissue paper and tucked it under one sheet for a blanket. i left in on the time screen all night, to save batterys. i woke up at 8:00 and began waiting for him to awake. some time between 8:45 and 9:00 his breathing frode, and all buttons were un responsive.

i began to get worried and set him down for a few muinuits. when i picked him up i reset, i was going to download, but instead an egg appeared, whith no choice. each time i reset it didnt let me choose download, but an egg appeared. each egg froze afer a couple muinuits, so i jusst set it down. and its still there next to me, whith that ugly-not-tyler-frozen egg on the screen.

its terribble. i loved that tamagotchi. i worked so hard for it to get a good job. i never even got to go to or send him to pre-school. :(

i miss him, and i really hope that one of you can help me whith this. he is by far my favorite tama and i really want him back. please, please. :D

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Since it's still so new, I would take it back to the store and complain that it's defective, and ask them for an exchange one, if you still have the sales receipt.

If that's not possible, remove the battery and try cleaning the contacts (with a dry q-tip) and the battery (with a dry kleenex). Maybe there's some dirt (chemical residue, or dust) on the contacts.

I would replace the batteries (brand new) and re-set and start new. If it still wont work return it to the store with the receipt, that means it was sold broken.

Yeah you dont need to leave it on the time screen all night. Toddlers usually go to bed between 8-8:30, just leave it on the screen you see the tama sleeping.

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i tryed cleaning it, but it did not work, and we descovered the only way to keep it from freezing is not putting the battery in all the way. perhaps the battery.

i'll try putting in new batterys anyway, the batterys might be the problem, thanks so much for the suggestion.

(i leave it on the time screen, because it saves battery power, because less pixels are lit up on the time screen than on the sleep screen.)

ok, i'm not exactly new to tamagotchis but this is my first v.4. I am sorry if this is in the wrong section or something. i know about the typos, sorry if it makes me look like a n00b. just please read i'll do almost anything for poor tyler.
ok, so yesterday my aunt took us(me and my sis) to get us our late birthday presents. i got a v.4, she got a double pack of magnetix. they were carried home in the same bag. when we got home i read through the instruction manul, and turned him on.

he had a very shakey start. when i removed the tab there was nothing but a blank screen. i jabed the paper back in and out a few times and whith each time it would flash a couple bars of pixels, or turn off. eventualy i managed to make an egg apear, after a few resets. it bobbed a couple times, then froze.

my dad took it out and tested the battery. still 3.5 volts, that should be enough. he put it back in and an egg appeared, and didnt freeze. i set the time, date, and it hatched to be a boy. i named him tyler. i played many games of jump rope and took the est care of him, kept him at minimum weight (5) and earned many skill points. i think it was 33, 31, 37. eventually it avolved to the kid shown in the manul (whatsitsname) and fell asleep.

i made it a bed of tissue paper and tucked it under one sheet for a blanket. i left in on the time screen all night, to save batterys. i woke up at 8:00 and began waiting for him to awake. some time between 8:45 and 9:00 his breathing frode, and all buttons were un responsive.

i began to get worried and set him down for a few muinuits. when i picked him up i reset, i was going to download, but instead an  egg appeared, whith no choice. each time i reset it didnt let me choose download, but an egg appeared. each egg froze afer a couple muinuits, so i jusst set it down. and its still there next to me, whith that ugly-not-tyler-frozen egg on the screen.

its terribble. i loved that tamagotchi. i worked so hard for it to get a good job. i never even got to go to or send him to pre-school. :(

i miss him, and i really hope that one of you can help me whith this. he is by far my favorite tama and i really want him back. please, please. :chohimetchi:
It could be a Glitch, in which case I'm not sure what you could do.

Or, it could be the battery. Maybe it's because you're leaving it on the time screen when it sleeps. It does save the battery, but maybe it's jamming up the system because it wasn't meant to be left on the time screen for too long.

You also say it was in a bag of Magnetix? That could be the problem then, my friend :chohimetchi: .

As GotchiGirl96 has said, if i continues to be faulty, take back to the shop you got it from to be exchanged.

Hope I helped.

Best Wishes,


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You say it was in a bag with magnetix? That could be the problem. Magentics stuff up electronic devices sometimes when they're too close. I'd take it back to the store if I were you. Good luck.

thank you all so much, i tryed everything you guys have said. thanks. but in the end nothing worked, and we had to return him. and youre right, it probably was the magnetix. Thank you all for trying to help.

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