help! whats going wrong!


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Aug 4, 2008
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Hi, i am quite new to tama talk. But something is happening and i dont know what to do! :D

I have 2 tamagotchi's (V5). i have had 1 tama for about a couple of months (main colour- white) and i got another tama (V5, main colour- black) which i have had for about 4-5 days.

it was only yesterday that i noticed when i went to connect them, on the white tamagotchi i go on vs, game ect... but when it goes onto the 'STAND BY' screen, and i press the middle button (so it come's up with 'CONNECT') it doesnt come up with the 'CONNECT' screen, it just comes up with 'DOWNLOAD' or 'RESET'. i keep trying but zitch. noting.

Can some one please help me? because some-thing is wrong! :D

:D :D

please post back a.s.a.p thanks.

By Cabgirl!

This happened to me too, I posted it on here, but I'm sorry to say that I don't think it's the battery, my V5 won't connect to my V5 Fall, did your new one come with a CD?

-That's the new V5 then

It's just that, my battery is fine on my V5 , but it still won't connect to my other one, yet the other one doesn't go to that screen. So, I think it's not just the battery. =/


no, my new tamagotchi did not come with a CD.

i will try a new battery in it tomorrow but if it still

doesnt connect i will post back.

but thanks! i will keep that in mind.

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i think it was just the battery because i tryed it and it is fine now. but thanks for all the help at tamatalk!!!!!!!!!

a place i can rellie on people.


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