Help! What's the difference?


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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2012
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United Kingdom
Hey! So I recently found my v2 and I really want to upgrade to a newer version because i've missed my tama's.

I've been looking about and i'm unbelievably confused. I'm seeing Tama-gos, music star tamagotchis and the usual v1-v5

From what I gather the Tama-go is a easier version?

Please give me a hand. I'm a 16 year old girl, what do I want?

for the price i would recomend buying a tama-go off of something like amazon who is selling them for what is it.. like 7$? haha its great. and then look into buying a couple figures with it (each figure comes with 2 new games and a shop in it for your tama-go) Except the figure your tama-go comes with, that one just has 1 game on it. there are some great forum posts about figures you should find, they talk about the best ones, and what figure has what on it shop and game wise =)

I currently have 2 tama-gos and they are sharing the 6 first wave figures (i believe there are 12 figures in total? i may be wrong on that though.. i forget oops..) I love having back grounds/rooms for them (which you can change) and when they do things like go to shops they travel by walking, taking the bus or trains, its super cute. you also get the dating game whatever thing, so you dont have to sit there waiting for the match maker to show up and worrying you missed her when she visited.

Hey there!

HERE is a list of Tamagotchi releases, from the P1's to the Princess Spacy iD L.

The TMGO isn't necessarily the...easiest, in my opinion. I find it to be a pretty fun version, but not one that I want to run all the time, due to it's large size. @.@

Anyway, what I would do is to first start with a Connection Tamagotchi (V1-V6). They're small, in English, easy to take care of, and not that time consuming (except for the V6/Music Star). I would recommend a V3-V4.5 to start off with you, and then build on it with other Connections and the Tama Go. Once you feel more comfortable with Tamagotchis, you can move on to the vintages, Japanese Tamagotchis, and the colour Tamagotchis (TMGC+C, iD, iD Lovely Melody, iD L, iD L 15th Anniversary, iD L Princess Spacy).

Good luck!

beware the tamago! It's GINORMOUS compared to other tamas, but has extra features (well the figure thingys anyway.). V4 has school, V5 has a whole adorable family of tamas and V6 has a music school. V3... is probably pretty similar to V2 :eek: I've only ever had V3, V5 and V6.

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