Help with my v5 tamagotchi?


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Oct 21, 2008
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I'm kinda new with my v5 tamagotchi, and just today my tamagotchi's turned into adults.

I have a hatugatchi, a lovezucintchi and a potetchi. The only one I like from all of them is hatugatchi, lol

Anyway, I would really like to have a mame family member born or a violet or ninja member. Is that possible? Since hatugatchi and the others are from blended families. If it is possible, which tama should one of my tamas pair up with?

I hope I made sense >.< and thanks for reading this! Oh and does a chart that shows what kind of tamagotchis should you pair up with to get a specific tamagotchi born, exist? This is so confusing and I would really love it if someone helped me! I'm a newbie ;]

You can't get a Pure Mame Family out of those Characters but I think if you marry a Hatugatchi to a Love Zukintchi it may work. I can't garauntee anything but it may just work.

How to get a Pure Mame Family:

•Raise Bonding to 100% by using the Smart Icon for Training.

•Get a Mametchi and Marry it to a Chantotchi with 100% Bonding.

Ah, I see i see...

Well, I'll just choose a Random tama to marry my hatugatchi and then keep raising the femily bonding up to 100% (for the baby) and then when it grows up it may turna mam into e family member! Might that work?

EDIT: NVM! You're right! it says that hatugatchi + lovezucintchi = mame family ^^ thank you so much!

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