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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2007
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I have a mametchi. It had a baby and now the baby is also a mametchi. Its on my V3 and V4. Am I a mametchi magnet??????? :D :D

Thats strange because I usually just leave em and come back at the end of the day and clean up, feed them, you know.

No , Idon't think so, it just shows you are an ABSALOUTE GREAT TAMA OWNER!!!

WELL DONE!! :wub: :lol: :furawatchi:

I have a mametchi. It had a baby and now the baby is also a mametchi. Its on my V3 and V4. Am I a mametchi magnet??????? :wub: :furawatchi:
No, but you are probably giving your tamas the same care. Try to vary the care you give to your tamas. Do different things with them. On the V4, try to avoid having the same amounts of Skill/Life Points as the time before, this will usually decrease a chance your/this character will become a Mametchi.

Some people enjoy getting the same character over and over again, some do not. Those who do not should care for each character they own very differently. That should cause the character to change into an adult other than the adult they get quite often.

I hope I helped and I hope you understand.

-Cotton :lol:

No. No tamagotchi owner is a magnet to a certain tamagotchi. You are just a great caretaker of tamagotchis, and you tend to do that with all the tamagotchis you own, which I respect, because I haven't got a Mametchi very often xP

If you don't want a Mametchi, just take care of all your tamagotchis differently. Just take care of them a little more averagely. If you think that may be hard, just take below average care. If you do average care most of the time, you may even end up with another one of the main tamagotchis- Kuchipatchi :furawatchi:


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