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Sep 2, 2007
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What should I do? Yesterday I found out that my rabbit has cancer, and we have to put her down tommorrow! I am soo sad, we have had her since 2003. If I was counting right, she should be around 4 years old.

But, my mom and dad said that they would let me get a hamster. Any tips?

Aww that's sad. ;) But if your parents are letting you get a hamster GET ONE!!! I had many hamsters and omg I LOVE hamsters! If you've never had a hamster before and you have questions just PM me! :D


I'm sorry to hear about your rabbit. :D I have a hamster too, they are so awesome! Rabbits too. :D Like C~M said, if you need any tips or questions please PM me too. ;)

Hmmm.... Rabbits can get cancer? One time, my ferret had a tumor, but I didn't know animals could get cancer. My parents gave away all of our ferrets after that anyway. Now I have dogs.

Hmmm.... Rabbits can get cancer? One time, my ferret had a tumor, but I didn't know animals could get cancer. My parents gave away all of our ferrets after that anyway. Now I have dogs.
Aww, that would suck.

I have a ferret that lives with my dad (as I couldn't bring him with when I moved, only cats are allowed here). His name's dongle... I've had other ferrets, too... A couple of which have passed on from old age and two we got for free (they were basically starving, poor things) that we "fattened up" a little and sold to a pet store (as 3 was too many at the time).

If you can get a ferret, get one. ;) I want another someday and really wish my one could live with me, but he's old and "on his way out" also.

I had a rabbit once, named Nightmare (she was albino) and only I could hold her... I'd like another bunny, too, ha ha ha.

Hamsters are fun, but I worry about their size. And they're not the same as a bunny, so I don't know why you can't have another rabbit (or have you not asked?).

And yes, basically any animal can get cancer.

Take a picture of the rabbit, and maybe you standing next to it (if it is safe) ;)

I'm sorry that your rabbit has cancer. Look on the bright side :D You will probably be able to get a hamster. Hamsters are equally cute as rabbits :D

Hmmm.... Rabbits can get cancer?
That's horrible :(

All animals (and people) can have cancer. Cancer is caused by mutations in the cells that cause rapid growth and division, so technically, all animals can have cell mutations, right? They would probably die in the wild quickly if they got cancer, as it would hinder them and make them easy prey.

I wouldn't want a hampster if I were you. I'd get another rabbit. Rabbits are my favorite animals, so easy choice for me.

Don't use pine or cedar bedding, it will kill rodents. You shouldn't use it at all, actually.

(To MSkitty89~ ferrets are illegal in some places.)


Poor rabbit. D:

But maybe you should wait to get a hamster.

Maybe after a while, you should get a hamster.

So sad to hear about your rabbit. If you wanted to you could make a memorial for him. I did for my guinea pig, but on a website.

Hamsters are cool, but I would personally get a guinea pig. But it is your decision, not mine.

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