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pretty maikko shiny tama

Well-known member
Mar 24, 2007
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ok so usualy i get soo mad that i go into my room.and then the problem starts.i can't control myself.and so i try to rip/cut my pillow.and i try to break my it the way i was born or is there an evil personality urging to get out.

SMS!!(save my soul)

Anger management issues can be natural or learned. There are 3 usual causes of anger.

1) Do your parents too often openly express anger? When parents do that, they are not exactly teaching their kids to deal with things very well and when the kids do get angry, that anger can quickly spiral out of control for no really good reason and you end up way angrier at a situation than you should be.

2) It is possible it could be natural and not learned if your parents are mellow. Not very common though.

3) Anger can often come from things unrelated to the thing you think you are angry about. Do you feel short changed about something in your life that makes it easy to get angry? This is the most common cause of root anger. We all have points in our lives when this happens. Once in a while, this root anger is an easy fix if you can identify it but often situations in life can not be changed easily at all to fix this.

This just has to be dealt with until situations can change. This can take years. :( Keep the faith, things will get better. Carry that in your heart and smile once in a while. Believe me, it helps.

It's good that you want to do something about this now. It's easier to try to fix this when you are young. ;)

I don't have suggestions to deal with the anger though. I really have no experience in dealing with anger.

Personally, I am a mellow person. I can look at a situation that makes me angry and almos laugh at myself or about the situation a few minutes later. I figure, why take the situation so seriously?

Next time you get angry, look at the situation as a 3rd person, your ghosty self.. ask, does this situation really merrit you being that angry? :huh: I hope you can get to the point where you see how silly some of those situations might have been.

Please take it easy, :unsure:

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Instead of damaging things, start a diary or journal. Then when you're about to explode, write your heart out. Or maybe not write. Rip the pages, scribble, whatever!!! This is what I do when I'm mad. You'd rather destroy a blank book than your pillow, right?

you could buy a stress ball. whenever you get angry you could squeeze as hard as you can. this will avoid having to buy another pillow. i also recommend what .:Charm:. said about a diary.

omg :( :D :D

my ex bf had that it scared the crap out of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dats y i broke up wit him lolz

ummmm why dont u start a blog and let all of ur anger there

Stress ball... Good idea Iceringer.. One time I got so mad I swore at my mum and ran away for 1 night to my friends house.. I told her I was alowed to stay and got the beating of a lifetime when I returned.. That seriously teached me a lesson. And ::charm::'s Ideas good to.. :angry:


im not that great with dealing with my anger

i take it out on my little brother most of the time and get joy from seeing him cry

idk y maybe im like sick in the head or sumtin but it makes me feel better

i kinda abuse him cuz i hit him alot

and if i dnt take the anger out on him i fell like just killing myself

i hold it in but it hurts and i just wanna like punch a hole in my wall(im capapble of doing that :gozarutchi: )

but i noe if i do it im gonna get in big trouble

and stress balls dont work

ive had em b4

but i just end up ripping them up and cursing and screaming at myself or at other ppl but to myself so no1 heres

but the way i mostly get my anger out is by hitting my brother :ichigotchi:

i hate myself for doing it

i wish i could stop and i feel bad for him

but my anger just like takes control over me

idk maybe its cuz i was abused wen i was a baby

but i dnt think its from that

or maybe it runs in the blood but i have a bad habit of letting my anger out the rong way

gee guys!!thanks for your help!!!i really apreiciate (sp?) it ^^'

p.s. i am 9 so i usually take it out on my older brother.and my dog!!nah not my dog i was joking.

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Yeah, get a stress ball, a dart board with a picture of someone you hate on it and throw darts at it, anything. Just try not to do it in school, you'd get in trouble lolz i'm 11 so i know what its like

Diary, stress ball, all of those are good ideas. Or you could try chewing gum. It may sound wierd but when I'm angry sometimes I have the erge to chomp on things.

When I'm really angry or frustrated, I try to distract myself from the situation.

A journal, diary, or blog are all good suggestions for just getting everything off of your chest and starting with a clean slate. You could also take a walk, dance to your favorite song, talk with a friend, read a good book, anything that takes your mind off of being angry for a little while.

Anger issues can easily get out of control, and it's important to know when to ask for help. If you ever get to the point where you feel like hurting yourself or someone else, please ask a parent or another adult for help! I agree with Mothra that it's really a good thing that you're trying to get this under control at a young age before it becomes too much of a habit.

Life's always going to be stressful, and there are always going to be situations or people that get on your nerves or frustrate you. Sometimes, the only thing we can control is the way we react to a particular situation.

Sometimes what I do when I feel really annoyed is I go into my room and scream into my pillow. It works most of the time and sometimes, a scream is just what you need to get out your anger. Or, another thing that could help is if you get a small (and I do mean small) basketball net for your bedroom, stick it on the wall opposite your bed or whatever and throw small teddies into it or balls of paper. BTW: If you do use small balls of paper, make sure you clean them up afterwards...

Hope it helps!

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