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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2005
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Everybody knows I play Trombone and Flute... Heres my one problem... I try out a Tuba. I emailed my Band director about this... I play Flute for Jazz and Trombone for 7th grade Symphonic Band. I can't play Tuba in Jazz(Tuba isn't for Jazz, more for classical..). D:

[i know how to read Bass clef, sometimes I use Treble for Trombone music]


Choices? Decisions?

Opinions on the Tuba.

Can Trombone Players play Tuba?

Should I learn Tuba on my own if so?

Can Short people play Tuba?(I'm 4'11. D^: )



EDIT: I talked to my band director... Emailed actually. Anyways, heres what he said "You can certainly try tuba sometime -- maybe baritone would be more

worthwhile, though. Tuba is rather large!"

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lolz. The tuba is so big. You also might fear of the power of liquid soap xP

Not like I practice it. I know from books (more like comics)

Cecib :eek:

lolz. The tuba is so big. You also might fear of the power of liquid soap xP
Not like I practice it. I know from books (more like comics)

Cecib :p
Liquid soap??? xD

Tubas can have sizes, like 1/4,2/4.3/4,4/4 and 5/4(O____o A fat tuba player? xDDDDD) I could probably chose a 2/4. But I can only play tuba in HS because I really don't want to give up trombone.

Mm, I played Baritone Horn in band class. Mini-tuba. That's an easy instrument. Anyways...

In that band class, a friend of mine was tuba. He's short, so yes, short people can play tuba. ;P

So yeah, I say go for baritone if you're allowed. It's not hard, and I could always help yeh. xP

Does it have to be out of those three? Theres plenty of other things.
Yes. I dun like trumpets, horn looks hard,clarinet isn't my type,Saxophone is okay,Oboes are too expensive,I can't play Bassoon( never played clarinet/oboe.), and i'm not into drums or guitars,I can't own a piano... yep.

And may I ask why? Is there a problem with the tuba and baritone?

And I already play Flute and trombone, so its only two choices.


Thanks. I may just learn Tuba or Baritone until marching band comes because I really wanted to play Marching trombone and Tuba/Bari. for concert, Alto Flute for jazz(I don't play that now.)

Did you quit band? Or?

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