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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2007
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definetly not telling
She won't let me have one.

What can I do to convince her?!

All my friends go there.

And all the sites I go on are boring (besides TT and Youtube)

My friends from my old school don't go on aim anymore.

And I want to keep in touch w/ them through facebook.


Facebook is lame. You should get a myspace. If you get myspace immediatly add the SuperPoke pets App. Ask your pals to join Myspace.

Well ask your friends to get back on AIM so you can stay in touch, because your mom obviously isn't gonna change her mind about you having a facebook.

You should respect your mothers opinion.

But, if you wanna go on it that badly, maybe compromise like bratzroxg.

Maybe get you AND your mom to get a facebook, so she can be in it aswell. If she doesnt like on part of it, she can say "Dont go on that part please"

Promise her you won't add random people,you WON'T give out your address and such, and you'll only add people from your old school.

Or you can join, i go on there.


My mom has a my space, and she doesn't want me on. O_O

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I did that to my mother too. I keep my profile on private, and all he possible privacy settings are on. No one can tell when I'm on or off. Lol.. It's better than nothing.

Just try to be nice about it, and if she says no, she's just trying to keep you safe.

My mom won't let me have a MySpace or FaceBook either.

but that didn't stop me >:]

Maybe you should talk to your mom about it.

You should tell her that she can keep track of what you're doing so she doesn't suspect you're doing something she doesn't want you doing.

It works 90% of the time.

[but I'm one of the kids in the 10% where it didn't work xP]


1) Facebook is for 18+

2) You should obey your mother.

3) You only want to go on because your friends are on there?

4) Facebook probably won't be as good as you think.

I have one. I honestly never go on anymore. But if you do want one that badly, talk to your mother about it. Tell her that you'll set your profile on private. And putting a fake last name works too.

I really wouldn't hassle your parents about it. The more you beg, the less of a chance there will be for you to actually have a Facebook. If you want to keep in contact with them, e-mail them or call them. :furawatchi:

First of all, Facebook isn't as great as you might think it is. I've joined just for the heck of it, and it's really not good at all. You have to be over 18 to join, anyway. That's a little old. Your mother has made a decision, and if you try to hassle her about it, it might make it worse. Leave it along.

Try to get your friends back on AIM. If the only reason you want to join is because of your friends, try to find another way to communicate. :blink:

you have to be over 18 to join?! o_O where does it say that?! I'm 13 and all my friends my age have facebook! And I have it too!

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I don't know how to help. I don't care. I don't want to join, and my parents have no opinion.

Someone from my school is impostering me. How do I know? They're friends with another student from my school and they made something to insult one of the girls there.

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