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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2007
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Candyland~ :D
Okay, so I have a friend. I don't want to tell her name to everybody, so I will use her first name, Faith.

(Just to let you know, I'm in 6th grade. The oldest person in the sixth grade is 12.)

So, me and my friend (Faith) were doing attendance, going around the school collecting slips saying who's buying, who's packing, who's absent, ect...

But, anyway, we stopped by Mrs. Dorn's room, a 5th grade classroom. When we went to collect the slip from them, we noticed the substitute quieted the whole class. Afterwards, she walked from the back desk with a solemn look on her face to the front of the room. She held up a just-burned-out cigarette. It belonged to Heather, who had just gone to the restroom. When people realized who it was from, they had a look of shock on their faces. Faith looked at me, and the look on her face showed the same thoughts as mine.

The point is, is that in the school, an intermediate school, there are drugs. I need help! I don't want to go to the principal about it by myself, but it needs to be stopped!

What do i do!?

What makes you think the substitute teacher won't tell the principal?

O_O That is not right.

I'm in 8th grade and nothing like that ever happened to me.

Except for that marijuana was found at my primary school :)

If things like that happen, definitely report the incident to a trusted adult. For now, I suggest just trust the substitute teacher to tell the principal about it. If she does not do so (which is unlikely), you can talk to another teacher (doesn't necessarily have to be the principal).

The only thing I noticed different is that now our D.A.R.E program will be canceled.

That's basicly going in the opposite direction O_O

There's honestly not much you can do to put a stop to it all. People are going to do what they want to do; you can't control or change other people. That's something you need to accept.

If the subsitute teacher does not contact the principal (which I imagine they would), I would see them and just let them know that there has in fact been some drug issues in school. You don't have to mention names. Heck, you don't even have to see the principal face-to-face. If the issue really is bothering you, simply write an anonmyous letter and drop it in the school office. I've done that before - one of my friends was going to commit suicide. :D The office will take the nessicary action, and you have nothing to worry about.

But the most practical thing in this situation is to stay away from drugs yourself. You're obviously against them. So, stand tall and don't participate in drugs. Then you're safe. :)

At my bros school a yr 8 boy found 5 yr 7 and 8 students smoking pot on a regular basis and told the teacher but they never did anything so he got some girls to go tell and then the princible did alot and got them all expelled.

But one of them just got suspended in exchange for the address of the dealer. It was one of the expelled boys dads.

The point of this...

Get a group of people who are trusted to go with you. If more than one person has seen this then the staff are more likely to take notice.

I totally agree with cluck_cluck_chicken. Go with some good friends of yours and go tell the principal exactly what you know. This may not actually be neccessary because the substitute may tell the principal herself, but just in case, I would go tell anyway.


There are 5th graders I know who are on drugs. I hate it how people start doing things at younger ages every day. D;

Anyhow, like cluck_cluck_chicken said, tell the principal.

thats not that big of a deal. don't worry yourself about it. In my middle school there was marijuana found with a lot of kids, and the bathroom set on fire from a cigarette. And there was cocaine in a girls locker. don't worry about it

And what is the principle going to do? Make an announcment saying "don't smoke in school?" thats really not going to help.

Trust me, when you get older, you will realize its not that big of a deal.

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