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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2007
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Hey guys, can you help me find a hairdo for everyday??

My hair is naturally curly, and a tiny bit frizzy, so I put on lots of gel. But my friends are saying I put on too much hairgel.

How can I style my hair w/out putting a lot of gel,but I don't want my hair looking frizzy.

Plz help!

Thx a loadz.

Hm, You could always buy a special shampoo for curly hair to make it less frizzy.

I don't have one curly hair on my head, and I use the "Catwalk TIGI Curls Rock" Curly hair shampoo. {This}

It works wonders, and I don't have curly hair 8D

Sorry, I'm rather useless... ;.;

Hmmm if you want the i want to win my crush's love hairdo then to this

1. Straighten it.

2. Put streaks in it of his fav color!

3. Before the streaks make your hair a brighter color

4. Wear a matching outfit to school and flirt

Or if you want a normal hair do then just do everything above but use your favorite color streaks and ignore #4

*Im doing the i want to win my crush's love hairdo soon*

I straightened it once, and It was an [SIZE=6pt] epic fail [/SIZE] ._.

lol. xD

Well, I have hair like that, so I use this shampoo/conditioner in a lime green thing, and it makes my hair wonderfully smooth and straight. But, it costs thirty dollars per bottle, I understand that is probably out of most people's price ranges. I also use this styling mouse stuff, it's all foamy, and I just rub it in, then brush.

Find straightening foam/gel/mouse, and frizz control hair spray, that will do the trick.

Well, my hair is naturally stick-straight, so I wouldn't know from experience, but if I were you I'd think hair products. They're kinda like boys..there's one out there for everyone. <3 Just look for some kind of frizz control conditioner/shampoo.

And remember, curly hair is love. <33

[And so is straight hair. Hair is love.]

I have curly hair too. it kindaaa sucks...i straighten it like every week :] But, usualy keep it moisturised and please dont brush it, comb it after u take a shower then style it with mouse or something. Gel isnt the best to use on curly hair or any hair just becuase it makes it too Oh and usually curly hair looks really cute when you pin it back like one of those puff things. Hope i helped:)

Straighten it. It's easy. Yeah I'm a boy and I straighten my hair. :(

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