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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2006
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Well let me get right to it. I am 5'9? (or 5'8.) and I'm really uncomfortable with it.

I am 13 years old and have outgrown my sister, who is about 5'8, and 16 years old.

I started puberty when I was probably 10 or 11? I'm not really sure.

Everyone says, that with my height and apparent ~beauty~ I could be a runway model when I grow up.

Everyone wants to be my height, and they like it a lot.

I HATE it. It doesn't bother me when I'm living day to day usually, but when I see pictures, or videos of me where I am about 5 inches taller than my friends. They are on the short side yes, but I just feel totally awkward.

It's really upsetting, my dad is 6''3 and he's saying how I'm almost getting to his height, and always measuring me back to back with him. My mom is pretty short, about 5''3? So I'm surprised I am this tall.

Do you think I will keep growing ? I am 13 and I had my big growth spurt a year ago or so, but i dont know if I'm still growing or whats happening.

How tall do you think I will be when I grow up?

How can I feel more comfortable and be more proud of my height?

I don't want to be 6 feet tall when I grow up. I don't want to tower above the boys, which I do now.


Please help. <3 ):

NOTE- I know 5'9/8 isn't that tall for an adult, and I would be fine if I was this tall as an adult. But I'm only 13!

Well, You shouldn't feel so uncomfortable with your height. You probably are on the tall side because of your dad, no worries :angry: I doubt you will keep growing because of the height you are now. I think you can surely be more proud of your height if you own it. Like be kind of happy you're tall :angry: Others are nice to you about your height so there really is no peer pressure over it. Just feel happy about yourself :angry:

Don't worry! I know that being tall like that feels weird, but chill! It might just be a growth spurt, and I think it'll end soon. And I wanna be tall like that unfortunately xD Because everyone likes to be that tall, you don't have to be worried. Be happy! :]

I don't know what it's like to be tall, I'm only 5"4, but many models and people are tall and beautiful.

Most models are 5"7 - 5"11.

Taylor Swift is 5"11 and Blake Lively is 5"10.

They are beautiful and nobody ever says they are too tall.

You don't actually stop growing until you are 18 years old.

Being tall is never a bad thing.

You can be beautiful at any height or weight.

In photos you only look awkward if you feel awkward.

Be confident and be happy!

Confidence is sexy whether you're 4"11 or 5"11.


Hey -- Don't worry.

I'm 11, and 5'8. I feel so darn tall too. So you're not alone.

It's not that bad really. I'm quite uncomfortable too, and sometimes I feel really awkward. But whatever. You are who you are. And your height makes you, you :]

But never feel alone. I'm 2 years younger than you, and the same height. It's not that bad. Be comfortable with who you are. Some people are uncomfortable when they're small. Same thing with tall people. Think about the priviliges (sp?). You can reach high things, and are most likely alot better at sport. Everyone is beautiful, no matter what height or weight they are.


Sometimes life deals you things like this and it sucks because there's really not a lot you can do about it.

I know how you feel because I reached 5'8" at 14 yrs and was taller than almost all the boys in my year group ... I didn't do much dating - the boys were all too insecure about their height compared to mine - and school dances were a nightmare :)

My adult height is 5'9" - so I grew just one more inch.

Here's the thing. It's natural to want to be a part of a crowd of friends and blend in comfortably - not stick out like some freak. Yes, it is unusual to be tall at 13yrs, but it's not freaky. You may well have already reached your adult height now.

There are good things about being taller than others - you have a physical edge on other people - long legs can make you a faster runner and jumper than others. If you play sport and keep fit it can only improve your "model" looks.

Try to think of it in this way, if you hold your head high about your height people will soon be referring to you as the girl who looks like a model.

Personally, despite not being asked to school dances because of my height it gave my self confidence a bit of a boost to be able to tower over boys - a kind of superiority complex you could call it :huh:

NOTE- I know 5'9/8 isn't that tall for an adult, and I would be fine if I was this tall as an adult. But I'm only 13!
My best friend just turned fifteen, and she's 6'0.

She's been 6'0 for over a year now, and she loves it.

She doesn't play basketball, nor does she aspire to be a model.

But she loves her height.

Honestly, there are a lot of tall people that I know... another aqaintence of mine, is 6'0. I have a bunch of friends at 5'8+ in height, and they're all female. The majority of my school is above 5'6, at least.

Honestly, being tall is great. I've been told that guys go for tall, thin girls. And if that holds true, you're in like flin. :)

There is no way to predict how tall you will be when you're older or if you're done growing. You'll just have to wait it out and see what happens.

Confidence is something that comes within you, and I can't very well tell you how to achieve that. You're just going to have to work at it everyday. Hold your head up high, because as Fire.Fly said -- confidence IS sexy, no matter your appearence.

Oh, and remember as the years go by, more and more people will catch up to your height.

So just try not to worry about it. Take everything day by day, and enjoy the life you have -- the grass is always greener on the other side.

I have always been slightly taller than average and I love it. :)

Being different can be awkward but if you spin it in a positive way, it makes life a lot happier and easier. I know it takes a while to think of things differently. I finally got to that point then I was happy about being on the tallish side.

Hey, I'm tall, it's nothing to worry about. ;D

There are a lot of tall people in this world, and you just so happen to have that privilege! :)

Someday, you might realise that being tall is just like having brown hair or blonde hair. It won't effect who you are, you just have to have confidence, and people won't think you're a weird, tall freak. Not that you are :)

Thank you guys so much

Its really nice to hear the people understand how I feel and they want to help me !

After reading all of these, while I doubt this will completely banish my insecurities, I feel a whole lot better about my height.

It's just who I am.

Thank you guys, so so much ! <3 ;D

Well let me get right to it. I am 5'9? (or 5'8.) and I'm really uncomfortable with it.

I am 13 years old and have outgrown my sister, who is about 5'8, and 16 years old.

I started puberty when I was probably 10 or 11? I'm not really sure.

Everyone says, that with my height and apparent ~beauty~ I could be a runway model when I grow up.

Everyone wants to be my height, and they like it a lot.

I HATE it. It doesn't bother me when I'm living day to day usually, but when I see pictures, or videos of me where I am about 5 inches taller than my friends. They are on the short side yes, but I just feel totally awkward.

It's really upsetting, my dad is 6''3 and he's saying how I'm almost getting to his height, and always measuring me back to back with him. My mom is pretty short, about 5''3? So I'm surprised I am this tall.

Do you think I will keep growing ? I am 13 and I had my big growth spurt a year ago or so, but i dont know if I'm still growing or whats happening.

How tall do you think I will be when I grow up?

How can I feel more comfortable and be more proud of my height?

I don't want to be 6 feet tall when I grow up. I don't want to tower above the boys, which I do now.


Please help. <3 ):

NOTE- I know 5'9/8 isn't that tall for an adult, and I would be fine if I was this tall as an adult. But I'm only 13!
I understand your pain.

But guess what. I'm already six foot tall. I'm turning fifteen this year.

The doctor's say I have a few more inches to grow. >.<

And everyone says I should be a model or something.

Or play basketball.

But I'm really not good at sports, nor am I beautiful enough to be a model.

And I understand how you feel about being taller than some of your friends.

Some of my friends I'm like five-six-seven inches taller.


I am uncomfortable with my height too. I'm 5'6, but I'm really skinny (but that makes no sence because I eat alot).

I'm thirteen.

I feel like a twig sometimes, and I have a big head, too. So I feel uncomfortable with my body alot.

Look on the bright side, most models are really tall ;D

I'm not sure If you are done growing, because I keep growing >_>. My growth is slowing down though to a shorter rate.

I am terrible at sports, because most people knock me over XD

Most of my friends are alot shorter than me.

Edit: Added stuff

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There's a twelve year old boy in my class who's 5'8.

I'm 5'4. I wanna be taller though. And thinner D: I guess everyone feels uncomfortable with their height. Don't worry, when you feel uncomfortable with your height just remember...


Just know that everyone has things that they feel self-conscious about, try to focus more on other parts of yourself that you like and that make you feel good about yourself. It looks like everyone else covered some really good advice to you, Take care. :)

I'm the exact opposite xP

I stopped growing at 12 years old, and now stand at 5'0".

20 years old and the height of a 10 year old, lol.

I hate my height, but I've gotten used to it for the most part. I can't really do anything to change it, so I might as well just deal with it.

Generally, girls/women stop growing around 18, but like I said, I stopped at 12. Really you can stop at any age. I imagine(don't hold me to this) you'll stop growing soon because you've already grown so much. That seems like it would make sense anyway.

I never had a big growth spurt, just slowly grew over time.


I'm a massive opposite. 11 and nearly 5'2".

I'm just waaaay too short.

Think about it this way.. If your friends don't care about your height then why should you? I want to be tall rather then one of the smallest in the class.

Me be the complete opposite. I'm 12 (AND A HALF!) and I'm 4'9". FINALLY TALL ENOUGH TO RIDE IN THE FRONT!

But yeah. I actually like being short. And you should like being tall. Being tall is a model quality! Don't be insecure. Lots of people would kill to be as tall as you. I'm sure you're beautiful just the way you are.

Don't worry. You won't be the tallest person forever. I'm 12 and only 4'6''!

I'm not big enough to ride in the front. I don't like being short although, you shouldn't be worried about your height.

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