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The tamagotchi character that you get is mostly down to luck.

I have done a few tamagotchi experiments and I found out that you are most likely to get a puroperatchi :blink: if you take bad care of your tamagotchi.

Try taking really good care of your tama and then you could get a different character next time. ;)

-sk8er girl-

The tamagotchi character that you get is mostly down to luck.I have done a few tamagotchi experiments and I found out that you are most likely to get a puroperatchi :blink: if you take bad care of your tamagotchi.

Try taking really good care of your tama and then you could get a different character next time. :wacko:

-sk8er girl-
i give it the best care ;)

Here's a post by Bell Sprout in my board (in this forum) if Sekitorichis are good or bad. It might help....

There is no such thing as a good character or a bad character.  That is a nasty little rumour that has been flying around since the inception of tamagotchis.  If you have a look around, for every person that says you need to take "bad care" of a tama in order to get it, there is another person who has treated their tama better than their own dog and has gotten that same character!!!  Don't be fooled into believing otherwise.  Have fun with your tamagotchi and don't worry about it being good or bad. :blink:
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