Her Or Her?


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East Army

Well-known member
Oct 23, 2008
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Hey, Everyone. I have something to tell you.


For the past 2 months, 2 friends, that are girls, are kind of...flirting with me. I've known both of them for about a year each, and we are already friends, so I don't have to worry about them noticing me. They are acting as if they want to date me... :( The question is which one should I choose? Let's call the first girl J, and the second L.


Now, J is a tall, skinny girl with black hair. I only have her in one class during the whole school day. That means only 40 minutes of seeing her. She is always touching me, and when I go to the bathroom/aren't looking, she'll write I <3 J right in my notebook. She is really into these romance books, too. You know, the one where these girls meet these boys and you know what happens next. :D She is talking to me a lot, much more than she did last year. Whenever I am looking at the teacher, She'll think I'm looking at her and get all self-conscious and play with her hair and make sure her clothes look good. I'm more conformable talking to her. Her friends barely know me, but they don't have anything against me. They're okay.


L is kind of short. I have her in 7 out of my 8 classes, and she seems real nice. She always laughs at what I say, even if I don't want to be funny. When she talks to her friends, she always talks about music. She raves to her friends about how she loves love songs. She is a triplet, and one of her sisters had 7 boyfriends and one had 2 already. She had zero, and she's really jealous. That kind of makes me nervous though, because if I do end up asking her, I'm afraid she might want to have me as her boyfriend just so she can brag that she has one. She might do it out of jealousy, not out of love. :D She sits right behind me in all my classes, so it's easy to talk. I kind of get nervous in front of her. It's harder to talk to her. I don't know why. Her friends know me more than J's friends do, but I don't talk to them. Her friends are pretty funny. :p I know both of her sisters, also.


So which one should, well, I start flirting back with? I both like them, but whenever J and L see each other, they turn all mean. They hate each other.


P.S.-Please don't put "Neither" or "Both" because that doesn't really help me. ;)



I know you said to stay away from the "neither and both" but, do you really have to choose? If you have to ask us - total strangers - to decided, maybe it's best to not date either at this time?

Based on what you have described, the first girl is probably one of those that feels a guy needs to come in and rescue her from being single and everything will be good and dandy after the fact. There may be a lot of pressure put on you because she might view you as "Mr. Prince Charming" and those are some high expectations.

The second girl could possibly just jump on any chance she can get, especially if she has made if vocal that she is jealous of her sisters.

You do realize, though, that in picking one you may lose both. If they both like you but hate each other one is going to be jealous and that could possibly put a block in your relationship with her. And then when the dating relationship fades and you don't have her, you can't go running back to the other girl.

Before deciding make sure to look at all angles. Personally I think you should just remain friends with the both of them because dating isn't necessary but remember that if you do ask one out, it doesn't mean it won't affect the other. Because or else you might just lose both. ;)

I know you said to stay away from the "neither and both" but, do you really have to choose? If you have to ask us - total strangers - to decided, maybe it's best to not date either at this time?
Based on what you have described, the first girl is probably one of those that feels a guy needs to come in and rescue her from being single and everything will be good and dandy after the fact. There may be a lot of pressure put on you because she might view you as "Mr. Prince Charming" and those are some high expectations.

The second girl could possibly just jump on any chance she can get, especially if she has made if vocal that she is jealous of her sisters.

You do realize, though, that in picking one you may lose both. If they both like you but hate each other one is going to be jealous and that could possibly put a block in your relationship with her. And then when the dating relationship fades and you don't have her, you can't go running back to the other girl.

Before deciding make sure to look at all angles. Personally I think you should just remain friends with the both of them because dating isn't necessary but remember that if you do ask one out, it doesn't mean it won't affect the other. Because or else you might just lose both. ;)
Thanks tw/p. (Can I call you that?)


I guess it is better to stay friends. Thanks for the advice. I agree with you on that. :D

The first girl, :huh: .

Which one are you more comfortable being around with?


The first girl, :huh: .Which one are you more comfortable being around with?

The first one. I don't know why, I just feel more comfortable around her.

I dont like the sound of either one x.x

Girl one sounds like she really likes you, but may be a little too obsessed about you, no offence. I mean touching? Okay wtf o_O

Girl two sounds okay, but the thing you said about bragging..

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By... Touching do you mean hugs, holding hands, ect. If you mean somthing bad definetely go with girl #2 O__O'

Uh...Well they both are sorta act you know......biatchy...But by that I mean one girl is always playing with her hair and fixing her clothes and trying to act all cool around you and she...touches you....0_o The other one....She might not really want to date you for who you are but just because of her jealousy. And she laughs when no joke was said??? Yea, faker. But of course I don't know them in real life so I don't know for sure. By the sounds of it though......You never know.

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I think you should pick girl 1. I think girl 2 is just jealous of her sisters.

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Hmm...They both sound great. Both..NOWAIT you can't date both...:|

It's personal preference...You know? I'm not sure what you like....I like boys with blonde or brown hair, not much black. And I like SOME boys who have tanner skin, and some boys I like have....White skin[Holy tree i hope i don't sound racist.]

And blue eyes. :] And curly hair, not a bird's nest curly, just semi curly.

But, I don't like boys with long hair. >|

No offense.

End Rant.

I say....the first girl. The second girl seems like she doesn't really like you and she's just all jealous of her sisters.


The first girl sounds a little better, but well, do you like her? I mean, I wouldn't know. Just pick whoever you like better.

Girl #1. But where does she touch you? O_O

Girl #1 sounds like she is into you a lot, and you feel comfortable with her too. That sounds like it could be a very happy relationship! The second girl sounds...well, I don't really know how to phrase it but it almost sounds like she is totally desperate for a boyfriend (like her sisters) so she is even fake laughing at non-funny jokes, etc. But to you I am a total stranger so don't base your decision on the advice from Tamatalk! We'll just give you things to think about and stuff like that!

J. She sounds better. the other girl is [SIZE=21pt]WAY[/SIZE] desperate.

Seriosly dude, WHERE does she touch you? :(

J. She sounds better. the other girl is [SIZE=21pt]WAY[/SIZE] desperate.
Seriosly dude, WHERE does she touch you? <_<
Don't get crazy guys, only on the arm.

I'll just see what happens on Monday. :D


I feel kind of weird if I asked her now.

Thanks for all your help, though.

I appreciate it.

Touching your arm, eh? I read on a magazine quiz that it's a type of flirting...I think.

Anyway, they both sound like nice girls. You don't have to flirt with either of them if you have no clue who to choose, but maybe if you give yourself time, you'll figure it all out. :D

If you choose 1 girl, the other girl might get hurt and she might not want to be friends with you or the girl you choose.

Same the other way around. But if I was one of the girls, I wouldn't think that way. I'd want you to pick me (only becaue I crush on you) But I'm not single so... I woudln't care but if I was... ehhh

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