Hey all! i'm new!


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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2004
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:) hey everyone! my name is Laura and I just registered b/c i saw a post of someone saying that they found a T.C already in walmart!!! which walmart? does it happen to be in chicago? lol that would be great. please let me know where!
Hi welcome- :) Glad to Have a new member! I dont know where the walmart is :) !But Im sure other members will help you. :lol: Have you got any tamagotchis? :lol: Any way welcome

Welcome! Hope you'll stay with us once you get your answer! :)

I think it depends on each Walmart... Some have them and others do not. I have also seen reports of some Toys R Us stores also stocking them early. Depends on where you are though.

Good luck!

So far I love Tama Talk, and yes i do have a Tama, but not a new one, an old Gen 2. Sadly, he/it just died. His name was Mr. Murphy. I can't wait till this sunday the 15th!! yaaaay!! :lol:

nice to meet you all! i guess the US has just been slow lately. (i mean..come one, Bush in president...lol, i have nothing against Bush, it's just if you ever watch David Letterman at nite he says some not-so intelligent things. When asked if he would ever go back to school, he said "Nope, i wouldn't go back to school. I'm too old, not interested". gotta love Bush) But I really wish the TC's would be here now!

:::5 more days!!::::

OH YEA! boy shopping is so the greatest! in fact i went boy shopping yesterday! my fliriting paid off and he asked for my number! *wOOt* he's def teh cuteness too :( :angry: :unsure:

Hi HelloKitty93!And same as the others...Welcome to Tamatalk!!!As for me...I am also a newbie but I already know a ton about Tamatalk! And yes, Where I live theres v2 connections in Walmart,Zellers,and Toys R Us 4 me!!!!!!

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