Hey girls out there! (or guys)


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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2007
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I have a question for a girl or a guy who knows.How do ya know when a guy likes you????????????????????


Well I am not experienced (sp?) but usually they act kind of funney aroud you like showing off and sometimes even not looking at you. But don't go asking them if they like you alot. It is better for him to do it in his own time.I hope this helped :)


same here .i had a boy that liked me and (i found out

he likes me)well this is what he would do:

not talk to me,ignore me.show off mostly

all the time by his friends. and sometimes

even check me out.

as a guy with a friend who does this

ok the guys will most likely tease you or like make fun oof you its kind of thier way

i am a guy and still find that wierd

Hmm I'd like to know too. There is this boy at school I really REALLY like. His name is Connor. I really want to know if he likes me.


I've seen him look at me a few times and once when I was looking for my ride home and I turned around and saw him looking right at me. I hope he likes me, he is sooo hot! He's the hottest boy I've ever seen EVER!



It depends; If it's a boy you know they will act a certain way but if it's a random person on the street they wll probably just look & whistle at you.

I haven't talked to people who like me for a while (boys) their really scared of my boyfriend. But I understand why he's overprotective he's been getting phone calls & emails with people telling lies. He got an email saying someone has been following me, but this is a lie because I would have noticed.

A guy likes you when...

1. The guy will try to make you laugh.

2. He'll flirt with you when he can.

3. He might try to show off around you.

4. He'll help you out, if you ask for it.

5. He'll stick up for you when you need it most.

6. He'll be friendly to you and all your friends.

7. He might call you for no good reason.

8. He might make fun of you, in a joking way.

9. He'll tell you that you did good, even if you did horrible.

10. He'll make eye contact with a happy grin on his face.

A girl likes you when...

1. The girl will laugh at all your jokes.

2. She'll stare at you with a smile on her face.

3. She'll ask you who you like, continuously.

4. She might try to make you jealous.

5. She'll beg that you do everything for her.

6. She might start talking to your friends.

7. She'll talk to you about the different varieties of guys.

8. She'll always seem to be talking about how nice you are.

9. She'll always be flirting with every other guy except you.

10. She'll always ask what to do in a bad situation.


1. He stares at you a lot.

2. He smiles at you a lot.

3. He likes to be by you.

4. He likes to talk to you.

5. He tries to impress you.

6. He flirts with you a lot.

More Hints

lingering : if your guy hangs out in the morning by your classroom (even though his is waaay down the hall) or you notice him and his friend sitting in the bleachers during your soccer practice, he might have a little crush on you. He's probably just trying to get a glance at you in your cute new jeans-or to give you a chance to see him. Either way, lingering usually equals liking.

looking : have you ever busted a guy gazing at you in class? when you see him in the hall does he usually catch your eye? this unexpected eye contact can be a little scary-and exciting. but why does he just stare? it's because he can't get enough of looking at you. when you see him staring, smile at him. if he smiles back he's as good as your's.

lunching : lunch time is important to socializing. does he pay extra attention to you in the cafeteria? does he flirt with you in the lunch line? if he's choosing to spend his precious in-school free time with you, you can bet he's interested in getting to know you better. P.S.: before you give him a big smile across the lunchroom, check your teeth for bits of food!

sharing : while most guys aren't known to be considerate, when a guy likes you, he tends to be more thoughtful. He might offer to lend you a book he likes or a cool new CD he bought. does he want to study with you after school or ask if you need help with your homework? stuff like letting you copy his notes or sharing some of his food are also clues that he's into you.

sacrificing : he offers to turn in your assignment for class while you are at the dentist. he lets you ride shotgun in his best friends car. could it be more obvious he's got the hots for you? a guy who gives you the cozy sweater off his back on a chilly day truely adores you-just remember to say "Thanks!"

complimenting : does your crush say nice things about you, either directly to you or to mutual friends? did he mention how you were really good in your small role in the school play or that your poem was the best one in English class? Maybe he complimented you on your funky watch you were wearing or revealed (in some way) that he thinks you're pretty. sweet little compliments can be really big clues that he likes you "that" way.

touching : he may not be obvious about making physical contact, but if a guy digs you, you may notice him sitting close so his leg, shoulder or whatever can touch yours. guys are also experts at clowning around so that they can be physical with you. he may steal your notebook, knowing you'll grab it back and playfully swat at him. sneaky, huh? show him that two can play at that game.

primping : most boys won't admit it, but they'll spend extra time in front of the bathroom mirror when they wanna impress the girl they like. have you noticed your crush has started using hair gel and wears his coolest clothes when he know's he's going to see you? has his hygiene improved and he smells good? that's him primping for a chick he digs and that girl might be you.

bragging : if he's feeling a love vibe for you, he'll probably try and impress you by pointing out something about himself that he's proud of. if he plays sports, he may mention in front of you that he just made the varsity team. or he'll talk about how he scored some tickets to some great concert (a band of which he knows you like). Whatever it is, he's boasting about it to let you know what a cool guy he is. like you don't know already.

questioning : if your crush asks you a bunch of questions like "have you seen the newest action movie yet?" or "what do you think of the new resteraunt in town?" chances are he wants to ask you out. take the hint and say "not yet".

hopefully this is a little useful,


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as a guy with a friend who does this
ok the guys will most likely tease you or like make fun oof you its kind of thier way

i am a guy and still find that wierd
Yah,thats pretty much right,either that or totally avoiding the girls a sign :)

Can someone help? I want to find out if a guy likes me.

Here's some info....

I am a seventh grader, the guy...we'll name him bob...is in eighth grade. I go to a small private school in which no one has boyfriends and such. The school goes kindgarten-8th grade. 6,7, and 8 grade combined= about 25 people. So anyways, there is one guy in my grade and three in 8th grade. Sometimes there are combined classes. Bob is really good looking and popular (even though there are only like 7 people in 8th grade). He is my ex-best friend's cousin. He's also really funny and everything, too.

Now let's go to the reasons why he may like me...

We flirt all the time. although, he flirts a lot with other people, too. but this one girl who is obsessed with that guy says that she thinks he likes me. One time I wore a short skirt and he was standing right next to me and I saw him check me out.Also, if I'm holding something, he'll take it away from me and I'll try to get it back. He smiles all the time...and he looks at me a lot too. he's really fun to be around. we bump into each other in the halls and like hip bump and such. We've danced at school dances but it wasn't like serious. We've been ...school-friends for about 2 yrs now. He's graduating next week from my school and I don't know if I should make a move or something. Oh, and his parents say he can't date until he's 16.

I'm confuseddddd!

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they treat you really nicely and may feel awkward around you i suggest that if you like a guy go for him nobodys holdin you back.and he may try to hide his fellings.


I thought a lot about your question and I realized that he does flirt with others, but mostly with me. I just can't decide if I should make a move or hide my feelings....

I'm thinking of just whispering in his ear after he graduates that I like him. Good idea or bad idea?

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Does my crush like me? (I've asked this question before, but now I'm desperate to know!)

Let's just call him JL. Well, I've liked him for the whole year basically and he's been going out with different people all year. But deep down I just know he likes me....here's why.

I go to my friends house everyday after school until my brother picks me up, and he lives in the same court as her. So when we go outside to play, sometimes I see him looking through his window. And when he sees me, he comes outside. If I'm riding a scooter, he'll bring out his and ride it around. He even let me try his monkey bike before! :huh: He's always showing me tricks on his scooter or bike, and sometimes he'll jut show me his basketball skillls. XD It so funny!

When me and my friend were at the park a couple days ago, we saw him riding his bike. He smiled at me, and then he stopped his bike a little up the road. His parents (who were taking a walk while he was on his bike) caught up to him and they started talking. I caught a little of what they were saying and I heard the words "park"and "can I". But, even if he was asking to come to the park, his parents said no and they left. I was a little disappointed.

He's always asking for me drink in school, and I always give it to him. I think it connects us a little more. :huh: It's just another reason for us to talk!

We worked on two projects together: A health project, and a science project. I was so happy! During this time we would joke aorund and laugh so hard our heads would fall off!

He jokingly was teasing me at school the other day because I have to hold hands with this boy for the school play. He was fanning himself and saying, "Is it getting hot in here or what?" Chris, who is JL's best friend (and the one I have to hold hands with) said outloud to him, "It's not MY fault your so jealous!" And JL blushed and speeded up.

He was supposed to come to my friends pool party, but he didn't show up because I told him I might be busy that day. I ended up coming, and I was disappointed to see him not there. We talked on MSN later and he said, "did you go swimming at jamees house today or no?" and I said, "yes i did. it was fun." and he responded, "i wish i came."

But the day earlier (when I told him I wasn't busy) he asked me, "Are you going to her pool party?" and I said, "Of course." He smiled at me and said while turning away, "Good."


To tell the truth? It really depends on the guy. If he is the shy type, he will likely not tell anyone. Even if he does, he probably won't say hi to you, and you will have basically no clue that he likes you.

If he is the more outgoing, fun type, it is more likely that he will tell some of his friends. He might try to hang out with you sometimes or tease you, like chasing you around or taunting you. The other thing he might do is maybe drop a little hint or possibly seem like he wants to be your friend. (Everyone knows it's easier to go from there.) If he doesn't do anything like that, he will do nice things like say "hi" to you in the halls, pick up things if you drop them, and hold doors. Make sure to say thank you, even if you don't want him to like you. You can still be nice, you know!

What I don't recommend is getting a friend to ask someone to ask his friend to ask him if he likes you. Who knows, he might say no, just because he doesn't want anyone to know, or he might mean no and it may change on the way back. He might even say yes, and one of the people involved in this link who is jealous might change it to a no.

My best tip to make guys like you is to be yourself and be kind to everyone. If you don't be yourself, what's the point of him not liking you for who you are? Spread the happiness, because no one likes a mean person. Even if they are attractive, the type who would like someone for looks isn't the type you want.

Be yourself. Those who mind don't matter. Those who matter don't mind.

A guy likes you when...1. The guy will try to make you laugh.

2. He'll flirt with you when he can.

3. He might try to show off around you.

4. He'll help you out, if you ask for it.

5. He'll stick up for you when you need it most.

6. He'll be friendly to you and all your friends.

7. He might call you for no good reason.

8. He might make fun of you, in a joking way.

9. He'll tell you that you did good, even if you did horrible.

10. He'll make eye contact with a happy grin on his face.

A girl likes you when...

1. The girl will laugh at all your jokes.

2. She'll stare at you with a smile on her face.

3. She'll ask you who you like, continuously.

4. She might try to make you jealous.

5. She'll beg that you do everything for her.

6. She might start talking to your friends.

7. She'll talk to you about the different varieties of guys.

8. She'll always seem to be talking about how nice you are.

9. She'll always be flirting with every other guy except you.

10. She'll always ask what to do in a bad situation.


1. He stares at you a lot.

2. He smiles at you a lot.

3. He likes to be by you.

4. He likes to talk to you.

5. He tries to impress you.

6. He flirts with you a lot.

More Hints

lingering : if your guy hangs out in the morning by your classroom (even though his is waaay down the hall) or you notice him and his friend sitting in the bleachers during your soccer practice, he might have a little crush on you. He's probably just trying to get a glance at you in your cute new jeans-or to give you a chance to see him. Either way, lingering usually equals liking.

looking : have you ever busted a guy gazing at you in class? when you see him in the hall does he usually catch your eye? this unexpected eye contact can be a little scary-and exciting. but why does he just stare? it's because he can't get enough of looking at you. when you see him staring, smile at him. if he smiles back he's as good as your's.

lunching : lunch time is important to socializing. does he pay extra attention to you in the cafeteria? does he flirt with you in the lunch line? if he's choosing to spend his precious in-school free time with you, you can bet he's interested in getting to know you better. P.S.: before you give him a big smile across the lunchroom, check your teeth for bits of food!

sharing : while most guys aren't known to be considerate, when a guy likes you, he tends to be more thoughtful. He might offer to lend you a book he likes or a cool new CD he bought. does he want to study with you after school or ask if you need help with your homework? stuff like letting you copy his notes or sharing some of his food are also clues that he's into you.

sacrificing : he offers to turn in your assignment for class while you are at the dentist. he lets you ride shotgun in his best friends car. could it be more obvious he's got the hots for you? a guy who gives you the cozy sweater off his back on a chilly day truely adores you-just remember to say "Thanks!"

complimenting : does your crush say nice things about you, either directly to you or to mutual friends? did he mention how you were really good in your small role in the school play or that your poem was the best one in English class? Maybe he complimented you on your funky watch you were wearing or revealed (in some way) that he thinks you're pretty. sweet little compliments can be really big clues that he likes you "that" way.

touching : he may not be obvious about making physical contact, but if a guy digs you, you may notice him sitting close so his leg, shoulder or whatever can touch yours. guys are also experts at clowning around so that they can be physical with you. he may steal your notebook, knowing you'll grab it back and playfully swat at him. sneaky, huh? show him that two can play at that game.

primping : most boys won't admit it, but they'll spend extra time in front of the bathroom mirror when they wanna impress the girl they like. have you noticed your crush has started using hair gel and wears his coolest clothes when he know's he's going to see you? has his hygiene improved and he smells good? that's him primping for a chick he digs and that girl might be you.

bragging : if he's feeling a love vibe for you, he'll probably try and impress you by pointing out something about himself that he's proud of. if he plays sports, he may mention in front of you that he just made the varsity team. or he'll talk about how he scored some tickets to some great concert (a band of which he knows you like). Whatever it is, he's boasting about it to let you know what a cool guy he is. like you don't know already.

questioning : if your crush asks you a bunch of questions like "have you seen the newest action movie yet?" or "what do you think of the new resteraunt in town?" chances are he wants to ask you out. take the hint and say "not yet".

hopefully this is a little useful,

Ok... Since you have all the knowledge can u help me? There's this guy I like and he's like really awesome and funny and cute! But I don't know if he likes me! He looks at me a lot but so do the other guys so I don't know what to do. Should I turn off from boys forever so they don't look at me or should embrace it and see who my true love is? HELP

<: I like sharing stories, so here's my two cents.

This guy I really like. Let's call him "A." A is almost cute, almost smart, he's funny, and hangs out with me and my friends. I've known him long enough to know him well, but here's the thing: I think my best friend likes him too. We're both good at being slow and giving him time, and he likes us both. But I'm worried about what will happen if ether one of us moves too fast, or if he picks one of us over the other.

I need help.. this guy who I DESPISE keeps trying to talk,insult, and show off at me and he keeps looking at me... and trying to make eye contact. does he?

I need help.. this guy who I DESPISE keeps trying to talk,insult, and show off at me and he keeps looking at me... and trying to make eye contact. does he?
Unfortunately, he just might.

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