Hey Im Nal


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Aug 3, 2006
Reaction score
Hi, Im Nal. I got my v3 tamagotchi a couple months ago, but am still new to the whole world of tamagotchis.

Hello Nal! I am tamagirl_desy, but call me TGD for short! :unsure:

There are many things to do here such as: roleplaying, making a log, PMing people, fiddling with your avatar, and making your own special signature. You'll make alot new friends while your here too! :wacko:

There are many rules, so let me just name a few: no spamming, no flaring (arguing), no bumping up old topics to the front page, be friendly, be respectful, no clubs or guilds, dont make "do you hate this person, do you like this person" topics, don't beg to be a guide, don't make topcis about guides( such as who should be one or who shouldn't) and so on and so forth. <_<

If you want to get to know the people on here more, PM them (it stands for personal message) and they will probably respond back! As long as your friendly and respectful to others, they will act the same towards you. :furawatchi:

PM me if you need life adivce, tama help, or if you just need a shoulder to cry on. PM me if you want a friend or just wanna chat. I'm always open for PM's as long as they aren't rude! :furawatchi:

If you are having trouble with a member (if somebody calls you name or purposly be's mean to you), contact a guide such as Bellsprout, KyliesMum, Rockin Robochi, TamaMum, spiffy, Mothera and other terrific guides (I didn't want to say them all; I just put the first few I could think of!). If you have a suggestion, post it in the suggestion section. If you have a smiley you want on Tamatalk, PM the Admin and see if he/she approves. :furawatchi:

It doesn't matter what's in Tamatalk, it's who's on Tamatalk. Without all us mebers, tamatalk wouldn't be as great as it is! We are all like one big, happy family! :wacko:

Toodles, TGD!

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Welcome to TamaTalk! I'm ZAINA_TAMA_FREAK, (ZTF for short) nice to meet you!

There are lots of interesting things to do here on tama talk. But please read the rules followed here.


But besides that, there are, like I said very good information here. For information, you might want to check out The Tama Talk Reference Section. <_<


There is a chat side of tama talk. Its called Tama Chat. There is a little information on it. :furawatchi:


Well I hope you enjoy Tama Talk for it is a wonderful (and may I say, addictive :furawatchi: ) site. Have fun here and if you have any questions, please feel free to PM me! :furawatchi: -ZTF

Hi, Im Nal. I got my v3 tamagotchi a couple months ago, but am still new to the whole world of tamagotchis.
Hi, I'm paisley*520, and welcome to Tamatalk! Take a look at the rules and remember to report anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. But the most important thing: Have fun!

:furawatchi: -paisley*520 :furawatchi:

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