Hey! New To TamaTalk


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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2004
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;) HEY! Im finally able to talk on this forum! Ive been a member and wasnt getting to the Validation Email until now when I turned SpamGuard Off. Well this is my story:

I ordered a Black Tamagotchi off of Barbs Collectables but she ran out. So Then i found another place and got a Black. Purchased it yesterday. And while Anxiously awaiting it I went to Toys R Us on my bike and bought another Tamagotchi (Green and got a boy named it Rex) I walk out the store and my bike was stolen, yet it didnt seem to bother me LMFAO! I was just sooo excited about getting another Tamagotchi to Communicate with. Bad yet good all in one :p

Welcome to the boards!

Need any help, PM the Admin or one of us guides, or you can always post.

To bad about your bike, good thing about your Tama's! ;)

;) LOL Thanks yal I feel very welcome. If anyone wants to chat and im not on Tama Talk then my screen name from AIM is DawgDvL66
Welcome! Hope your future Tamagotchis don't cost you $15 and a bike each. Glad to have you finally join us!

(darn SpamGuard can be so useful and so bad at the same time!)

Hi, PsychoFlip! Shame about the bike. You know, my first Tama's name was Rex too! Anyway, welcome to the boards! ;)
LoL Thats cool Rex is also my English Teacher's name I thought that Rex would be a cool name LoL

And to Admin - I hope it doesnt cost me $15 and a bike either I only have one left and that one is too small and doesnt have wheels LOL

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