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Aug 20, 2005
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I just joined here- I've been reading topics on this site for a while but never had the energy to join until just now... and I am SO GLAD I don't have to see that little blue message about joining anymore. Anyhow, this place looks like a lot of fun. I had a couple virtual pets when I was really small- one tamagotchi, one dinosaur thing, and one dog thing. I hardly remeber any of them anymore. Anyhow, a couple months ago I found my old tamagotchi in my desk. It was one of the gold Toys R Us ones, but all the paint had been worn off and the buttons were all worn down and the screen was scratched terribly. Then I learned that they had been making more tamagotchis without me noticing it, and I immediately found one and said, "Hey! That's my childhood, right there!" So I had to get one.

So now I have one V2 going at the moment- blue with pink spots. Just recently I was actually IN Japan, but I didn't have any tamagotchis with me and I didn't recognize what the Deka was when I saw it. But when I came home I started reading up more on tamagotchis and I figured out what I had seen and was kind of upset I hadn't taken the opportunity to buy a Japanese tamagotchi or something lilke that while I was over there and use it on the Dekas I saw.

But anyway, my apologies for rambling, but I'm just getting back into the world of tamagotchis, and I hope to have a lot of fun posting on this site!

Hi! I'm pretty new, myself. :pochitchi: Your story sounds a lot like mine! (except I've never been to Japan...weep...) Have fun! :angry:

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