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Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
Canada, B.C.
Hi. obviously I'm a new member. Can't wait to get my tama conection v2! camaflouge-blue and/or butterflies ^.^ I also want to get a Tama mini! that way I can bring it to school....and feel better about it xD

Just curious...but is the tama mini exactly liek teh original....just 1/3 the size?

Well I said my hello

now I bid you adieu


Hi and welcome to TamaTalk! Hope you have fun and if you have any problems or questions feel free to PM me! :wacko: And the tamagotchi mini is about half the size of the original tamagotchi, and cannot do a lot of things that most tamagotchis can do, but they are cute and fun. Hope to see you around! -RR :rolleyes:

Hiya ive got a pink tama with shooting stars and yes id love to be ur friend ;) <_<

WElcome To Tama Talk ;)

The tamagotchi mini's are half the size of the normle ones but it doesnt do alot of the same things the other ones can do. My friend gave me her mini becasue she didnt know how to use it ,you only have to press one butten, when it goes to the bathroom you just press the one button and it cleans it up atamaticly, you dont een realy need to feed them eather, i neglekted mine for a few weeks and it lived its pretty much just a keychain...

xD thanks ^.^

thanks you alls for saying hi to me!!

V peace


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