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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2012
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Hi! I just joined im ultra tama girl

so i thought id stop by and say hello! Why dont i tell you all about my self. ok so i have 3 tamas my first is a v2 light blue and flower case. next i got a v5 but i sadly lost it:( last but not least i have the tamagotchi p1. the p1 is the one im running at the moment. he is a tamachi and he will turn into his adult self tomorrow. i think he will turn into mamechi but i may be wrong. so now that you know about me tell me about you. what tamas do you have. what stage are they up to. how old are they. how did you gey them? i cant wait to goin a hatch or something awesome like that! well i came to say hi to tama talk and i did just that!

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