Hi, I'm Christine


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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2006
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Pittsburgh, PA
Hi, my name is Christine and I live in Pittsburgh, PA. I just bought my v3 Tamagotchi about four or so days ago. I got the blue one with the stars on it. I forget what the design is called (starry night?)

It has evolved into Billotchi.

Although I'm an adult, I really enjoy my new toy. I have lots of toys. They didn't make such neat stuff when I was little, so I'm enjoying the stuff they make these days. I collect dolls like Bratz, Barbies, stuffed animals, Pokemon stuff, especially Pikachu.

My first Tamagotchi was a Tamagotchi Angel that they made several years back. I really loved that toy. Unfortunately, I wore the poor buttons out and they stopped making them so I can't get another. :huh: This one I have now is really great though. It has so much more than the older versions.

Being an adult collector has its drawbacks though; I don't know anyone else to connect with! :(

One thing I wish about the Tamagotchi is this: I wish they would make them a little bigger or at least make the buttons bigger. And the buttons aren't always responsive in a timely way.

My favorite game in the v3 is the "get" game. After that, I would have to say that I like "heading" the best (fastest way to rack up points :D )

Hi there and welcome to TamaTalk

Hope you enjoy the site - there's lots of good information in the various forums and it is easy to find your way around :huh:

There are several adult members of TamaTalk too (me, for one) - so I am sure you will feel at home :(

Best, etc.


Hello Christine, I'm new too. I'll officially be an adult next month :huh: I think adults collecting toys is really quite cool. To me it suggests we've still got active imaginations; people who laugh are the kind who 'see things as they are', while we 'see things as they could be' :) IMO

I have a V3 too (Connexion, the UK version). Well it's my sister's, but as I'm less distractable she's let me look after it a lot during the school break, and I've become attached :( Ours is pink with red and white hearts, and balloons as the screen background. It's a teenager with spiky hair at the moment.

Well, hope to see you around :D

yeah, you're right about the toys. they never stop being fun. i believe the proper terminology for folks like us is "Kidult". lol. You should definitely get one of your own as well. There's nothing quite like having one of your own. That way you can pick the skin you want and everything. I really lilke that you have a spongebob avatar. I love spongebob! He rules! I also like playing World of Warcraft. Have you heard of it?

Yeah I want one of my own so we can connect them more often. It's very short of friends at the moment.

You're the second person to mention my Spongebob avatar in three days! He's quite a hit :blink: The only children's cartoons I still watch are SB and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, but he's my favourite children's character ever.

Haven't heard of World of Warcraft. There are lots of games I won't have heard of though, as we're slower to catch on to these things than the US, when we catch on at all. I'd never even heard of or seen an Angelgotchi outside of the Net.

Hello PixelChibi, and Welcome to TT! PM me if you would like to talk about tamagotchis or just talk about whatever & we can be friends if u want. hope you enjoy your visits to tamatalk and check back once in awhile for a PM from me!

This morning, I got two nice surprises: I finally got my visit from the matchmaker. The beeping woke me up at 10:30. So I now have a bouncing (literally)baby! And I also finally got offered a travel ticket! I got to go to Chile. Usually, I see something I want for sale and don't have enough money to buy it and when I finally get enough money, the items have all changed! Does this happen to anyone else?

Hi and welcome to tamatalk!

Admin trys to acheve makeing tamagotchis fun!If there were no guides there would be no rules because the guides and admin make it fun!

So please respect them and have a great time here at tt and if you want help pm me!


Here are some tranlasions to learn:




spam=short pointless anyoing messages.

lol=laugh out loud.

sup=what up.


I hope to see you more around tt and your post number increses

:D :D :D :pochitchi:


This is Tom and Mark reporting for tamatalk :wacko:

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