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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2004
Reaction score
Perth, Australia
Hi, im new gere (obviously...) I had a tamagotchi when they first came out when I was in year 9, it was so cool! I absolutely loved it! I was later given a second one which I gave away to a young girl and broke my first one. I purchased an original tamagotchi off Ebay a few months ago because ive been thinking about tamagotchis for years and regretting ever giving that one away! Sadly it broke :p but I was so happy when I found that new ones were coming out :D its taken me a while to get one cos I couldnt find any in Australia but finally on Tuesday I found them and instantly brought one :D My boyfriend thinks Im so sad cos im 21 and have one but im seriously considering buying another cos I just know that no-one I know will have one and I would love little Bunny (the name of the tama I hatched) to have tamababies.

The new ones are really cool I think, probably much better than the first in regards to choice and the features. I dont like how you cant always play games with them though if they are close to their proper weight but thats probably my only criticism. Being able to give them a name and knowing their sex makes it so much more real, like they are a real live pet but this pet is so much better cos you can take it every where!

Well im looking forward to sharing my experiences and reading others peoples :)

welcome, if you have any questions then please dont hesitate to ask :)

i have 6 tamagotchi's now and im 18....tell your bf that and he will have someone more mental to compare you with :p (and i live in the uk)

about the tamababy thing, did you know that you dont actually need another tama to have babies ?

hehe have fun :D

You dont? Oh thats pretty cool but I guess I would like another one anyway but I dont know... How does it have babies without another tama?

an old lady, mrs busy body (the matchmaker) will come along and will find you a partner. she will ask you if you are lonely after showing you the partner. if you select yes your tama, and the one she showed you will mate and you will have a baby :)

it is well worth getting a 2nd tama though :p

I think you will find a number of TamaTalk members/Tamagotchi fanatics over 18 here...

Welcome! :)

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