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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
Hi. I'm Kerensa (Rensa for short) and I live in England.

I have a twin brother, who's one minute younger than me. He sometimes pretends he's older, but no-one believes him! (I'm sooo much taller, so it's pretty obvious.) My brother has ADHD and is pretty hard to live with, but I just about manage..

At school, I'm alright, but there are teachers I can't wait to get rid of. (Not mentioning names..)

I get good grades, and I want to get into a good grammar school. (Results on Sat 14th Oct)

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a popular kid, but I'm definately not a swot. I may be glued to my computer, but I'm not a swot!

I own two tamagotchis, both of which have gone bust, but I'm hoping for a new one!

(My V3 was like this, also with a chain instead of a keyring.

My V2 was a design similar to this, but a chain instead of a keyring.)

Be my friend?

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Hello, Rensa! ,

Welocme to TamaTalk! Admin sent you a nice, descriptive message to you because your new. Carefully view it! When your browsing a forum, peek in on pinned topics(at the tippy top of forums) and read through thoroughly. If you are confused or have hurt feelings or see a topic with SPAM and fighting or personal site links in it, contact a Guide or Admin right away! List of TamaTalk Guides georgiakate1 is on alot, you could try her! And spiffy!

But of course, read the rules! You can find them at the bottom of the PM/message our wonderful Admin sent you and click New TT Rules! Or, for convience, you may click this, the Improved TamaTalk Rules. Have a great day and thank the guides often and Admin and the good Angelgotchi for their HARD work! I am happy you registered here, I greet you with a warm welcome!

You must be interested in Tamagotchis, not?? Well, you have huge company! The majority of this place, TamaTalk, are interested in tamas, like them, and have their own opinions of them! What is your opinion? You don't have to be shy!!


Your Furry Friend from around the block!

Okay? GOOOOD!!!!

Hi Rensa

Welcome to TamaTalk

Hope you enjoy visiting the site; there are lots of great things to do here and it is pretty easy to find your way around the different forums - so have a good ol' nosey around and if you have any questions, or are unsure of anything, just send me a PM :wub:

Thanks, everyone!

I'm guessing TamaMum's a Tama Guide too.. there's soo many!

What's an TamaTalk Angelgotchi? My friend has an Angelgotchi, but not a TamaTalk one..

Thanks, everyone!I'm guessing TamaMum's a Tama Guide too.. there's soo many!

What's an TamaTalk Angelgotchi? My friend has an Angelgotchi, but not a TamaTalk one..
A Tamatalk Angelgotchi is a label for those who donated a little bit of money to help keep Tamatalk's servers alive. Read: https://donate.tamatalk.com/ for more information. :hitodetchi:

Anyway, welcome ^-^

Tamatalk Angelgotchi = Donated once

Tamatalk Lifetime Angelgotchi = Donated/will donate more than once

Yes, but you said will donate..

Anyway, hi!

Thanks, Dog Gal!

Wow.. so many nice people! :marumimitchi:

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