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[SIZE=14pt]1. You can... if you want to... o_O;; [/SIZE]

2. No.

3.Not yet... xD


Look up Hickey on Wikipedia... xD


Omg Pikachu Lover.. xD I'm sorry, but thats kind of funny..But Buck teeth??? Ewwy. ;P

Well, I asked my mom what it meant and then she asked what website I was on. I said TamaTalk, the area for non Tamagotchi discussions. And she told me to get out of this area. So is a hickey something inappropriate?

Well, I asked my mom what it meant and then she asked what website I was on. I said TamaTalk, the area for non Tamagotchi discussions. And she told me to get out of this area. So is a hickey something inappropriate?
A Hickey Is:

[info found on Wikipedia]

A love-bite or hickey/hickie is a temporary mark or bruise on one's skin (medically, a minor hematoma) resulting from kissing or sucking or biting forcefully enough to burst blood vessels beneath the skin.

Love bites last, depending on the person, from 4-12 days. Violinists and violists can easily receive a similar-looking mark on their neck from the pressure of the chin rest while practicing and are often mistaken for having a love bite.

There are many common cures for a hickey, one of the more common being a frozen spoon held to the site of infliction. Also a few other ways would be rubbing gently (sometimes with a warm towel), or rubbing vitamin K although there are many different cures.

'Hickey' along with 'love-bite' are the most popular names for this type of bruise

Well, I asked my mom what it meant and then she asked what website I was on. I said TamaTalk, the area for non Tamagotchi discussions. And she told me to get out of this area. So is a hickey something inappropriate?
[SIZE=7pt]Lol it isnt really something you disscuss with your parents. Its like a sexual/playful/flirty act you have with someone so yeah xD[/SIZE]

Oh that explains that then so Yes I've gotten one before No no one has given me one and yes I gave it to myself by sucking on my arm like I said before lol.

1. yes

2. yes

3. yes

For me, every hickey i get dissapears within a few minutes. o_O its very odd... but i guess a good thing :)

In my school, a bunch of wanna-be-slut girls gave eachother hickeys to try to look cool... but everyone found out they just gave them to eachother xD one girl had one right on her forhead


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When I was younger,  (like, 7)I saw some commercial/tv show with a vampire type character in it, So I tried to "Suck the blood" from my leg. Didn't work though, But I did end up giving myself a hickey though. xDMy mom was all "...Why do you have a hickey on your leg?"

Me: ..."...Hickey? Whats that? I was trying to be a vampire!"
That's funny.


All the hickeys I've given/recieved were from bites.

1. Can you give one? - Yeah, on my arm. xP

2. Have you gotten one? - no

3. Have you given one? - no

once in grade 6 my table where i sat started to give hickeys on their arms. XD

Hmm, I've sucked on my arms before and left a mark. Does that count?
[SIZE=14pt]I guess... [/SIZE]

I used to do that.. xD Now I know what it is. =D

1) I guess I could?

2) No

3) No

I think they are kinda gross if you think about it, I mean who would want a lump on their neck(or somewhere visible) People would either think you have a disease or a slut. .

1. Yes.

2. From myself. XD And from my friend Preston but it was on my arm and it was kinda forced lol.

3. Yeah, but not in a flirtatious manner. I gave Preston one on his arm after he gave me one. XD

How is it disgusting? It's a way to show love and compassion to somebody... Like kissing?
[SIZE=13pt]Eeeeh~ I wouldn't really say that[/SIZE]

I wouldn't say it's a sign of showing Love, or compassion.

It's really a thing that teenagers do for fun. o.o"


It's not disgusting, but I wouldn't call it romantic. x]

1. I guess I could.

2. On my arm, yes.

3. To myself, on my arm, yes. To someone else, no.

I don't think it's disgusting. I guess it's just something you "do" for no reason. I don't know xD

A hicky is when you break a blood vessel under your skin by sucking (or biting, sometimes) on it. Violin players sometimes get a mark on their neck/shoulder that can be mistaken for a hicky.

Edit: I just repeated what Acid~Rain said. Opps :) Sorry!

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