Hii, I'm getting my first Music Star! :)


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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
Auckland New Zealand
Hi everyone,

Well... the title explains it all! I am getting a new Music Star... But I have no experience with one!! I have seen my best friend use one because she owns one! I know they are quite high maintanece.... And that's really all i know, oh and i also know they are based on music. I am a music fan which has got to be a good thing if I'm buying the Music Star right??????

Anyway, i have a pic of the tama I'm getting from Trademe [Yes i won the bid!!!!] Here:


Yes I'm also getting that awesome V5 that is next to it tee hee :D Anyway there are a few questions i have on this version and if you guys could answer them that would be terffic!! And it would also help me learn all about this version!


1. In the above picture you can see my new Music Star.... But I'm not sure of the design name. If anyone knows it can you please tell me!

2. Is the Music Star hard to take care of? [i know it's high maintaence and all but still....]

3. Will i be able to take it into school without too much trouble?? Like will it cause too many disruptions?

4. Is this version actually worth buying??? [i don't want it to come in the mail and start it up, then find i hate it!!!]

That's it :lol:

OK so if you guys could answer these questions that would be extremely helpful! Thanks bye!!!!


PS: Yea as you can see in the picture both the tama's don't come with instructions... Which is why i need your help!!! Oh and BTW, i know how to use a V5 so i won't need any help there!!! :D :)

Congrats on winning the bid! :)

1)That's my favorite design,it's called Rock City.

2)It is high maitenence but the only thing you really have to worry about is skill points,band practices and concerts ;)

3)It makes noise every 15 minutes to practice and the "door bell" goes off every hour and 30 minutes...well as long as you have the sound off and keep it's hearts full you'll be fine! :p

4)It's worth buying but it the music star can be annoying at times. ;) (Especially when you're trying to finish an essay for school and it practices! :p )

They actually don't require that much time. If you devote a decent amount of time you can def get a perfect care character and a pro debut with ease. But if you don't you wont end up to bad off at all. It is fun no matter what. Though I would recommend turning the sound off at school, it makes a lot of noise.

If you really wanted to take it to school,I would turn the sound off,but not pause it. I think pausing makes the care level of the next character evolvement go down.

ive also heard heard that they are very glitchy, i dont actually own one.. yet ;)

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