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Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Does anyone here think that it's kind of useless to only post something like,



yeah, I liked it a lot!

I don't know, I just think posts should actually contain some relevant info, and have a point. A lot of posts here just seem to increase post count. I'm sure the moderators would be much happier too!

Just my two cents.

Well if its short or stupid, like this: jsagrfi. Its spam. But like: Yeah, maybe. Its not.

Messages that contain one word are annoying. The post has no real point exctpt to express an oppionion. But, you do not give infomation to back up what you are saying, or give any real reason to post it. (this is in my oppinion.)

Messages that contain one word are annoying. The post has no real point exctpt to express an oppionion. But, you do not give infomation to back up what you are saying, or give any real reason to post it. (this is in my oppinion.)
opinion* :(

I think you should have at *least* one sentence! I HATE it when people post one word replies. It's a complete waste of space. If you're going to reply, add more than just one word or two to the conversation.

That's why some members have high post counts, because they post senseless stuff like "Yeah". If they took all of the pointless posts away, they'd probably have a 300 post count. LOL.

I think you should have at *least* one sentence! I HATE it when people post one word replies. It's a complete waste of space. If you're going to reply, add more than just one word or two to the conversation.
That's why some members have high post counts, because they post senseless stuff like "Yeah". If they took all of the pointless posts away, they'd probably have a 300 post count. LOL.
Well, not really. If it was short like "Ok" it wouldn't be bad. It would be like relpying shortly. :D

I always try to post a sentence or more but sometimes I'm in a hurry or something i use "lol" to round it off.


Well, not really. If it was short like "Ok" it wouldn't be bad. It would be like relpying shortly. :huh:
Yeah... but it's not really a response. If it's in a chat or a messenger program that's one thing, but on a forum it's really annoying.

If everyone replied





then it wouldn't be much of a conversation would it? If you're going to reply, then add something to the conversation. Just my opinion. I think it makes you look like a more educated person when you include a response, and a reason why. Not just a short response. <_<

Yeah... but it's not really a response. If it's in a chat or a messenger program that's one thing, but on a forum it's really annoying.
If everyone replied





then it wouldn't be much of a conversation would it? If you're going to reply, then add something to the conversation. Just my opinion. I think it makes you look like a more educated person when you include a response, and a reason why. Not just a short response. :huh:

can you imagine? I'd leave right away.....


well some times i do 1 word responces,but thats because sometimes i cant think of any other words to that my fault?and in my oppinion,its o.k once in awile.

i guess i think it alll depends caus ei do it alot and i need to stop it! lol im sorry bout it though.! im like really stoping cause Yeah we dont need all that Junk

Grr...when I was on, I always used to be self-conscious about my lengthy replies, thinking that people would scroll through them like, "Yeah, whatever, this girl wastes our time." But now I realize it's a gift...kind of.

Plus, it's really annoying when someone has something like The World's Longest Siggy or The Siggy that Takes Forever to Scroll Through, and their reply is like "OK" or "Yeah" or "Sure!" So then I'll be forced to scroll all the way through their sig just to get to the next reply...

Yeah, i think some people just want higher post counts... so they reply to anything and everything, regardless of if they actually have something real to say or not.

Also, giant signatures... annoying. :wub:

I agree, people go to posts and say 'Thanks for the tip..' 'lol' 'Great idea' and they just want higher post counts! Giant Signatures are annoying if the person posts alot, it takes up a whole page! I like to keep my signatures small.

-Twirly :wub:

to tell the truth,i dont mind short posts much because there quicker to read.the part i dont like is when they have nothing to do with the topic.the short replies i dont mind are:cool idea,ill try that,that works?,stuff like that,because it kinda includes the topic.the short repies i hate are:lol,cool,k,and stuff like that,becuse they dont mention anything about the topic.

-Tamagirl4444 :wub: :D :D :D

Short questions are okay like: Has this been tested? a good because you can reply to that. But things like: lol or cool you can't reply to.

-Twirly :wub:

Yeah. That was kind of pointless. Oh well!

-Twirly :wub:

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