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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
some of my friends think I should go brunette. I don't know. Here I am, right now cause i just took it w/my webcam:

Wow, that is a really good one of me. the lighting is perfect. I look sad though. It is also slightly blurry (you can't really tell, but you can on my freckles and hair) So do you guys think I should dye my hair brown?

Edit:If anyone has photoshop or something like that, could you please make my hair brown and share it w/us? But until then, you guys are just gonna have to use your imagination.

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Ack, this is what I get for not being on the computer with my ps. D=

Using my imagination, I don't think you should change your hair color. It looks nice like that.

I'll photoshop it. One sec.

EDIT: I know, terrible photoshop job but I'm not so good at changing hair colour like that. :furawatchi:

EDIT EDIT: I couldn't do it, sorry. :angry:

I tried it but it wouldn't come out brown- I think you have some reddish tints in your hair so it may come out reddish if you colored it.

I'm not sure about that but that's what happens when my mom colours her hair brown.

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[SIZE=7pt]Your hair looks nice blonde. :)[/SIZE]

Trust me, I also want to go brunette, but it's a big change.

Indeed. I'd only dye it if you want a change. I know I didn't dye my hair for a long time until after my first breakup a couple months later I wanted to do something different and awesome for me so I used that color pulse semi permanent colour to turn my hair REDDER than it was (mine has tints of red already in it and I'm brunette) and in a few washes it all came out. So yeah if you wanna experiment, don't go with the permanent stuff :wacko:

O: I can't see you with any other hair color but blonde.

I think you look good as a blonde. If you're looking for a change, you might try messing with your parting a bit. Instead of it going down the middle, part it at the side.

Parting down the middle makes it seems like people's faces are hidden. Where parting at the side makes faces look more full. You can see them better.

If you want brown in it, you might try brown or dark blonde highlights.

After looking at the real picture compared to the photoshopped picture, I really can't decide what looks best. I think it would look pretty either way. So, it's totally up to you. :wacko:

I'm no style expert, but your skin colour belongs to that of a blonde person, and I don't think you should change your hair colour.

I think if you went brunette or any darker colour it would suck the colour out of your skin, you would look paler than you are. If anything, maybe add some highlights?

Plus, that kind of blonde is a very nice one. :wacko:

Though this is no great tip, you can more or less see what you are like with darker hair colour straight after washing it. My hair is dirty blonde too, but after a good shower it always turns a darker colour (till it sits out and dries in the Sun again).

well, I think that your natural color is the best on you since that's the color you were born with. don't dye your hair, cause then you'll have to keep on dying it if you like it brown...and then you'll do a lot of damage to your hair, trust me. my mom has a lot of trouble with her hair now because she's dyed it way too much. ultimately, it's up to you.

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