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There are some hobos out there who actually need the help, but lots of them are just fakes, need a quick few bucks, or just wanna buy drugs or beer. :[Awhile ago I saw this hobo with a sign that said, "Parents got abducted by ninjas. Need money for Ninja Training School." xD

Has anyone here ever SEEN a Ninja Training School? I doubt it. :p

By the wayy, not trying to make fun of hobos or anything but they are a fun topic to joke around about. :)
How much you bet the guy was drunk. It's kinda sad when you think about it.

In my old town there were quite a lot of hobos scattered around. A lot of them were junkies, but that doesn't stop me from feeling sorry for the poor guys. Drugs are pretty frickin' addictive (obviously) and they can't exactly afford help. I live in a small seaside place now and so far I've not seen a single hobo here, and only one in the nearest city. The last hobos I've seen were when I went to Edinburgh, and one of them caught me in a generous mood so I gave the woman my lunch money 8D

When I go to hockey games, there are always people begging for money. My sister and I (TK) we always ask our parents, "Do you have any spare change? ? A buck or two?" I feel so bad for them. They all deserve more than what they got.

I saw two hobos arguing once... That's about it.

I really don't feel much sympathy toward hobos, to be completely honest. :/

It's just that, growing up in NYC, the hobos freaked me out. Once, a hobo asked my mother for money, and when she said she didn't have any, he kept bugging her. So we started running away.

hobos... who came up wit that name?

anyhoo, ive seen them sleep in front of churhes and prey before going to sleep... its kinda sad, how some ppl have to end up like that.

I can only remember one time I saw a hobo. It was in London, and he had a starved greyhound and everything. It scared me but made me feel more determined to make the world a better place.

And also.. I don't mind calling people hobos and stuff, because you KNOW you're only joking. :3

We talked about this about a month ago in Religious Education.

And it made me mad.

Homeless people. Many things could have happened, like..

Some guy can't afford to pay for his house. The bank takes it.


One of two things can happen.


He sells what he has for food.


He sells what he has for drugs.

Either are perfectly acceptable, I think.

Because you NEVER know what's happened in his life.

His sister/mother/father/brother/wife/son/daughter/whatever might have been raped/killed/commited suicide/whatever. And. Maybe he just wants to forget about it.

And maybe he resorts to getting drunk off his a** every night, just to ease the pain.

Or maybe he goes and gets help.

I don't know.

But what I do know is..

You should still give money to him.

No matter what, he's not got what you do. And even if he uses the money for drugs/whatever, so what? You still helped him.



But yeah, the con guys that pretend to be homeless, just for money.. They need to be shot in the face.

But there are these dudes that sell some magazine called The Big Issue. And there's this one guy who my mum buys it from and they talk about stuff.

But there's this other guy and he screams, "BIG ISSUE?" In your face, and I'm all, "I don't carry money around.. o-o;"

Because it costs like £3 and I don't carry that much around- in change. So it's like, "Lol sorry." But I do give him whatever change I do have. xP

And this one time, my mum and I were walking around the town, and I was about five, and I had won an easter egg at some place, and I gave it to some hobo. He was all, "-look up- ... -blink- Thanks."

And my mum told me I was very nice.

And then my mum and I went and got ice cream.


But yeah.. Give money to hobos or whatever you call them.


We meet so many in the city.

Once we found one outside McDonald's, she said I was beautiful so I gave her a hug.

And one time on a school excursion Juliette made friends with one. He called her an asshxle but we loved him.

I do feel very very sorry for them, but they always lighten me up with what they do. <3

Michelle and I saw one with his pet dog.

But the thing is, he wasn't a hobo, according to Michelle.

He was a wannabe hobo.


I feel sorry for them when I walk past, I pretty much always give them enough money to at least by some food.

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