Holly's Candy Shop


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Welcome to the 13th page! :)

I hope that everyone is having a great Thanksgiving if you are celebrating. :) I hope your pie was as delicious as mine!! :D

So, I tried SUPER hard today to get the downloads to work...no luck :p So, I decided that tomorrow I'm going to get my mom's old Palm Treo phone and try to set it up with the downloads. Cross your fingers!!!!

Demeter and I had a pretty good day. We decided to take a walk in the park and enjoy the cloudy fall weather. As we were walking by the water fountains for a drink, a little green creature caught Demeter's eye. It turned out to be an adorable little fluff ball that she decided she wanted to take home.


After that and a really fun Thanksgiving dinner, we decided to go grab some pumpkin pie at the bakery :)


What a great day. I hope yours was too! :D





Holly and Demeter :ichigotchi:

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I wish I had downloads. Like REALLY bad. But noooooo, my infrared USB wont work. :p

In better news, I got Demeter married today to a lovely Mametchi.



And she came home with a little baby egg out of which popped...




I named him Ares (War God), and soon he evolved into a Nannokotchi.


We had a pretty relaxing afternoon. I just wish the downloads would WORK....


Holly and Ares

Hi guys!

So, basically this is going to be a suckish post since the batteries in my iD L ran out, and I couldn't find more. We're going to the drugstore to pick up some more tomorrow. :p

Ares didn't have the time to evolve into a teen before the batteries ran out, but I'm expecting a Bokuhoshitchi. We'll see how things work out, it doesn't really matter to me. As long as I dont get yet ANOTHER repeat character xD

Sorry about this bad post. Hopefully I'll have more interesting stuff tomorrow... :/

^_^ :wub:


Holly and Ares

(PS A HUGEEEEEE thank you to sakura-san123 for the fanmail that brightened my whole day!! :D Always appreciated! :) )

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Hi everyone! :)

I got batteries at the store today (YAY!) and started up my iD L again, but lets rewind just a little.

It was about 10:00 am and I was just looking up stuff on the computer when I decide to open my drawer and get out a pen so I can write something down. Well, just as I opened the drawer I spotted my little pink striped v4. And a little battery just SITTING right next to it...so I forgot all about the pen and grabbed a screwdriver, and soon Carly was born! We played some Jumprope and ate some cereal, and for a while she was doing very well. Then she got a headache and started crying! I rushed to her aid, and soon she evolved into a Harutchi, very cute. She got a preschool offer and happily agreed! I would post a picture of her now, but my webcam isn't the best at taking pics of normal-screened tamas at 6:00 at night. :p

Now back to my iD L. Really nothing new has happened with my iD L because of the batteries being gone. Ares still hasn't gotten a chance to evolve yet, but hopefully he will soon :)

Okay, that's really all from here. See you soon :)


Holly, Carly, and Ares

Hey guys!

Bad update tonight since rehursal ran late today for my play. :p

Well, I decided to take the battery out of my v4 today, since I think my iD L deserves better attention than I was giving him... :(

Ares evolved into a Bokuhoshitchi, and Kutchipatchi was the inly adult I hadnt gotten from bokuhoshitchi, so i decided to aim for that. I thought i had overshot it, until i saw a cute pudgy little Kutchipa (aww... Thats so adorable!!!! :D ) on the screen! Woot! For dinner we got one of his happy symbols by accident, and I'll probably work on the rest tomorrow.

Okay, thanks for clickin! :)





Holly and Ares

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So Ares and I had a pretty long day and we're about to curl up and start reading the first chapters of The Sorcer's Stone (Yes, the first Harry Potter) :)

We got one more of Ares' happy symbols today, the heart cake at the Cafe, for breakfast. I think that last one we'll get tomorrow. Currently he's an adorable Kutchipa who is sporting a cute lil' afro--I just love it! I wish there were more clothes for him to try on besides a tux and overalls. All it takes is some downloads. *sigh* Well, hopefully Violetchilluvr3 can lend me her Treo so I can get the downloads :)

Okay, thats pretty much all I have to report for today. Nothing too exciting.

Off to the world of Harry Potter and magic wizards with British accents!!! :D


Holly and Ares

Exciting News!!! :D

But first, you deserve a REAL update...

So, Ares ended up getting married to a Violetchi, and they happily had a baby Moriritchi, who I named Aphrodite. She was so adorable, and I watched after her as she grew up to be a beautiful Palletchi and then Painaputchi. And, after actually TRYING to get a 6 care miss character (it really wasn't that hard, honestly :rolleyes: ), Aphrodite evolved into an adorable Memetchi!


So now, for the exciting news: My iD L officially has...DOWNLOADS!!!! :D

Okay, so before I go into detail about how epi-ic the downloads are, I really have to thank Violetchilluvr3 for doing it for me even though I was pushy and wanted like every single download on her phone. Thank you so much! :)

So, having Memetchi, I decided the very first download I wanted was the hat that tranformed her into her alter-ego, Devil Memetchi. We went to the HenshinJo, and she walked--or should I say flew--out as a fanged, winged, striped, cute Devil Meme! :)


(^notice the background? Yup, its a dl too! :) )

We also got two really fun games, this Meloditchi game that is FYI very addictive ( :rolleyes: ), and Milky Way Rafting. This is what the Melody game looks like:


It reminds me of a sideways game of brickbraker, no?

We also got some awesome seeds! We decided that first we would plant some cake seeds and see what they grew.


Oh, and did I mention that it snows (!!!) on the iD L? How uber cool!!!! :D

I also got some snacks for the cafe and some meals for the resturant, plus 4 new outfits (which are a cat outfit, dark dress, polka dot dress, than an orangeish dress), some accessories, lots of backgrounds, and a broom for the next time (and we all know there will be a next time) that I get Violetchi so I can take her to the Henshin Jo! :)

Thanks for reading, and once again thanks so much to Violetchilluvr3! :)


Holly, Aphrodite, and epic dls!!

Hi everyone!

Its been a busy week as you can tell, but its almost winter break :)

I decided to keep Aphrodite around for quite a while. She's really good company ;) We've been doing lots of fun things together: going to the park in the snow, planting lots of seeds, and trying on adorable outfits! We've grown lots of cool new stuff like:


Carrot cake, I believe.




Looks like bowtie pasta! :3


Tomato soup?


Mmm, berry cake!

Its been really nice having her around, but tomorrow she might want to get married. She's been talking about it since she was six, and it was her 8th birthday today... Maybe we'll grow a wedding cake tonight! :)

Well, sorry about not updating, I promise it'll be better soon :)


Holly and Aphro (hehe :) )

Fun news today!

But first, the logging ;) This morning Aphrodite and I went to the Tama Marche and sold the corn we grew for 250 GP's! Jeez, that's some expensive corn... ;) Then we visited the pet shop, but being the picky person is, Aphrodite didn't pick any of them. Then we got some lunch of turkey bacon sandwiches, and while we were out at lunch she kept bugging me about visiting the matchmaker. I finally agreed, and we went to pick out a dress. She picked out a beautiful white dress with colorful polka dots. A little nontraditional, but cute. Then we headed out to meet Aphrodite's soul mate. She saw a Hirotchi and fell in love at first sight! :wub:






Then Aphrodite returned home with an egg...


...and out popped a Nittobotchi! :)


Now for the fun news: I now have a youtube account for all my tamagotchi videos! Now I have a place to post videos about my tamas, downloads, and various other activities. ;) Check out my channel at this link: https://www.youtube.com/user/stripedpancakes

Thanks for clicking and stay tuned for more videos! :)


Holly and Arion (named after the horse son of Poseidon :newmametchi: )


Last night sometime, Arion evolved into a Furutspatchi. Yay! I gave him REALLY bad care today, and ended up forgetting about him during my trip to the phone store to try and fix a glitch in my phone (Yes, another one :p ). When I got back in the car I looked in my purse and I noticed that Arion had a weird looking skull above his head... I quickly pressed the medicine button, and an ambulance rushed into the room! It took him to the tama hospital (no joke!) and he got all fixed up. From then on I filled up his low hungry hearts whenever they got low. Now he's perfectly happy and sleeping. And speaking of good news, I got a download game today that is the best thing ever. Seriously. I got from 30000 GP's to 70000+ GP's in one day. You just press the "C" button twice and you either win or lose, its so awesome! :)

Also, in the exciting news department, I started up my Music Star today! I miss all of its features plus going online to Tamatown and aiming for characters to fill up the roster. I put a battery in the back and out of the little egg popped a baby girl! I named her Bella, just 'cause I like the name. She got the Koala for a toy and the Timpani as an intrument. In an hour she evolved into a Hitodetchi, and then watched Christmas trees! :)

Okay sorry about no pics. My webcam isn't good for normal screens...


Holly, Arion, and Bella

(PS It feels good to have 3 names :) )


Today Arion evolved into a leafy adorable character. I took PERFECT (And I seriously mean perfect-if even one little food bowl was missing or the happiness was down even a tiny bit, I would spazz and make sure it was filled again :rolleyes: ) care of him, in hopes of never having to visit the tamagotchi Hospital again and of getting a Sunopotchi :) They are just so adorable! I love how Bandai made a character who was flying penguin-esc, considering penguins cant fly. I think it does them justice :)

Nothing much new with Bella today. Seriously, she hasn't evolved or anything. Still a Hitodetchi (I dont know if I mentioned that yesterday or not), waiting to evolve soon. I can't wait to see her band! :) Any name ideas? I have no clue yet xD

Okay, thats pretty much it for today. Nothing too exciting. Thanks for clicking! :)


Holly, Arion, and Bella

No more pics today, sorry :p

So this morning Arion evolved into...Sunopotchi! I guess my obsessive nature worked :rolleyes: We haven't gotten any happy symbols or a pet yet because I've been in school, but we're doing midterms this week, so I get out of school a lot earlier, which is why im updating now. :) Thats pretty much it, really.

Yesterday Bella evolved into Ringotchi. Darn, can't fill up my roster :p Thats okay, they're still cute :) I'm excited to see what she evolves into tonight! :D We still haven't gotten the mail for school offer. I dont know if I mentioned this or not, but we got the Preschool offer and she ot a mirror as a toy! :)

Well, thats pretty much it. Sorry, when I can take pics again it'll be much better :)


Holly, Arion, and Bella

Hi everyone!

Today Arion wanted to try on some clothes, so he put on overalls and they look dashing if I do say so myself. ;)


We've also been enjoying the cloudy weather, wishing it would snow!


Maybe we'll get a pet later, depending on if we want to go out in the cold or not. ;)

Last night Bella evolved into a...Sebiretchi! :D I used to not like them so much, but honestly I love dinosaurs right now, and I think she is just adorable!


Her band, Hot Spot, also evolved today into Kuromametchi and Dorotchi. Not too bad :)


We've also been wandering around tamatown a lot lately. I really missed going online and logging in your tama! We decorated our room for Christmas already. You like? :)


Have a great rest of the day! :)


Holly, Arion, and Bella

Hi everyone!

Long time, no log.

I wasn't exactly logging because I didn't have the time/motivation/didn't want to. The truth is there has been nothing important to log about. Arion had a son, Bobby, who I decided to name after Violetchilluvr3's Bob, since they are the same character, Kutchipatchi. He packed up to leave on Monday, though, and since I'm on vacation I didn't really have time to deal with it, so I just took the batteries out. Now he's frozen, sadly, and I'm waiting to fix it.

So thats really it. No more Music Star, just my iD L. I wish this weren't such a suckish log, so sorry :p


Holly and Bobby

Merry Christmas!! :D :D

So first lets start of with the bad news, but stay tuned for awesome news. :)

Bobby ended up leaving me earlier today. I watched him walk out the door, much to my dismay. Luckily, though, I pressed "A" and "C" and while Kevin was born and my generation went back to 1, I kept all of my tama tomo stamps, cash, items, and downloads. It actually wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be. ;) It was snowing today, so at least one of us got a white Christmas! :)

Now, are you ready for the epic news??? Story time!

It was a cloudy and rainy Christmas. I woke up in excitement, grabbed my iD L, and rushed downstairs. Under the beautifully decorated tree were piles of presents, and a delicious smell was coming from the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen just as delicious pineapple squares were being removed from the oven. I grabbed one, and although it kind of burnt my tongue, it was absolutely delicious. Then it was time for opening presents. I watched as everyone started opening all sorts of super fun presents, giving warm hugs all around, and eating delicious pineapple squares. Then it was my turn to open some of my presents. I unwrapped some awesome nail art stuff, new nail polishes, some AWESOME fuzzy piggy slippers. Soon, there was one package left. It was oddly shaped, and I was just dying to know what was inside. I ripped off the paper and saw some black cords. Odd...but I kept looking, and I found, hidden underneath, a... PALM TREO PHONE!!!A Palm Treo phone of my very own! Her name is Bella :) I didn't hesitate to hook it up with the computer and download all the dls onto it. It was actually really easy, and now we got tons of new items, including a bunch of cool backgrounds!

And there you have it! My very own Palm Treo! And it works!!! :D

Hope everyone out there had a fabulous Christmas filled with family, friends, good cooking, and lots of love. <3


Holly, Kevin, and Bella :ichigotchi:

Hi everyone!

Guess what?! I'm posting here on my very own brand new iPad!!!!!! :D It's basically a keyboardless computer, but I was sad to see that I didnt have all of the reply options that I have on my normal computer. Still, it's quite awesome! As the trend goes, I have named yet another precious electronic of mine: this iPad's name is Molly. :) And as if Bella and Molly werent enough gifts, I also got.... The brand new Kindle Fire!!!! :D That thing is super amazing!!!! Her name is GiGi, in honor of Violetchilluvr3's Kindle that she also got this year, who's name is CeCe. :) But I'm sure all of you are like "Yeah,Yeah, stop bragging and get on with the tama log :p ", so I will ;)

Kevin evolved from Kaubotchi to Bokuhoshitchi to Kutchipatchi! I don't think I mentioned this, but when a character leaves you, that character gets an unhappy TamaTomo stamp in your book, so I aimed for Kutchipatchi yet again to fix that sad looking stamp :( We used the Treo to download a really awesome new background (. If I can figure out how to upload pics on this thing later, I will :) ) that's a desert style room with purple And een a camel in the background!! I think it's really adorable! Kevin isn't in love with it because it keeps chapping his lips. We've been browsing downloads together to find his some new clothes, too, but nothing really seems appealing to him. Maybe we'll have to download some other things onto the Treo.

Okay, hopefully I'll be back with pics, if I can figure it out. Thanks for clicking! :)


Holly, Molly (hehe), Gigi, and Kevin


I've been on vacation so I haven't had much time to log. Kevin got married to a Meloditchi and had a son who I named Cedric (as in Diggory). I've decided to go with a Harry Potter theme, since I've been reading the books and watching the movies. It's actually unite fun comparing the two. So anyways, Cedric evolved from a Yuripatchi to Kaubotchi to Bokuhoshitchi. Since I've gotten all the characters from Bokuhoshitchi, I'm just going to go with the flow and see what character I end up getting. We remodled the kitchen today into the pink one with the bunnies (I promis I'll post pictures as soon as I can!!!), but we can't do any downloads because I sadly forgot the palm Treo charger at home, and It ran out of battery.

Okay, that pretty much it. Oh, and one more thing. I'm thinking of changing the name of my log again. New ideas anyone?


Holly and Cedric

Sigh...Its so sad that my log is on the 2nd page...

I know, I know, no need to point fingers. I've been busy. But I just hate updating when there can't be colors/pictures (AKA Logging on my iPad/iPod), don't you? It makes for a much better log with those features. But nevertheless I was feeling guilty about not updating so here goes. I'll try and fill you up on some recent generations and events...

Let's start with Cedric. He evolved into a Kutchipatchi (again, really? ;) ), then got married to a Wawatatchi I think. He had a baby boy who was named Viktor, who evolved into a Spacytchi, which was write excitingly. He got married to a Meloditchi I believe, and they had a son named Ron. I aimed for Ron to become a Gozarutchi when he evolved into Bokuhoshitchi so I could try out the Henshin Jo transformation. It doesn't look much different then normal Grozarutchi I think, but it's still cool. He got married just this morning to a Shiguremetchi (sp??) and they had a baby girl named Fleur. She evolved from Choribotchi to Kingyobotchi. I ignored her through most periods in school to today in hopes of getting a Sabosabotchi which will hopefully lead to some new characters.

Well, sorry about all of the long-time-no-log stuff, but I'll try and update more regularly, just know that it may not be in color or have pictures ( :( ).

Okies, goodnight everyone and I hope you had a fabulous Tuesday!!! :)


Holly and Fleur

(PS Still thinking of a new log name... Please PM me if you have any ideas at all!)

Hi everyone!!

I've got some exciting news for you all! So today I found out a way to post pictures directly from my iPad onto this log, Yippeee!!! :D Now this means I will be posting every night. Why, you ask? Well the truth is I really hate logging when I can't update you with pictures or colors. Now that I've got the picture thing down, it will at least make this log a little more exciting, minus the pretty color that usually goes along with it... I'm working on that, though. I posted a topic in the "Suggestions" section of Tamatalk asking about putting more features for the TamaTalk mobile version. So, if any Admin are actually reading this (I doubt it, but still ;) ), please read that topic! :)

Into the actual logging! So today Violetchilluvr3 came over to my house. Not only did we have a playdate, but so did our tamas!


The iD L with the cover is mine (courtesy of Violetchilluvr3. Check out the sales topic to get one of these fabulous covers for iD Ls, iDs, and now even TamaGos by clicking this link >https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/topic/178186-id-and-id-l-covers/), and both the iD L without the cover and the v4 are Violetchilluvr3's. :)

Next we got both of our iD Ls married to Hirotchis together! To check out exactly what happened, visit my YouTube, there's a video of it :) She did have a son named Seamus who evolved into a Kaubotchi after an hour.


This is her right before she was married. You just have to love that adorable top hat!! :)


Then they played as a team against Violetchilluvr3 and I in Apples to Apples. Sadly, they won... :rolleyes:

Now for the really exciting news. While we were all playing Apples to Apples, I saw my TamaGo just sitting on my desk, battery-less, modeling the cover I made it. It looked so lonely, and I hadn't run it in a while...so I gave into my weak side and grabbed my screw drivers and two AAA batteries. Not wanting to reset it necessarily, I pressed download and my most recent generation, a Necktietchi named Oliver, was on my screen with his Violetchi wife and their daughter who I appearantly named Reyna. If you read my log waaaaaay back in the like 8th page or something, this is where I left my TamaGo.

Currently Oliver is 8 years old, and I'm going to have to get used to using a TamaGo again, so I'm not exactly sure when he is going to leave, but I think it's somewhere around age 10.

Family photo!


Okay everyone, thanks so much for reading and I really hope you'll check out the sales topic for those covers and continue to read my log! :)

Missvioletchi, Oliver, Violetchi, Reyna, and Seamus

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Hey everyone!

See anything new about my name *hint hint*?? :) Yes, the "M" in "missvioletchi" is now officially capitalized!!! I'd like to say a huge thank you to Admin for this! ^^

So my goal for getting a good character didn't go so great. All was going well, but in between periods 2 and 3 I had to run from one classroom on one side of the school to another, and didn't have time to check on Seamus. Then in 3rd period we did a group activity and I didn't get to check on him, and at lunch he evolved into a Bokuhoshitchi, again. :p


Later we planted cake seeds, and we're excited to see what it grows! :)




Now for my TamaGo...


Yeah, I paused it, but with school and all it was going to be pretty hard to run an iD L and a TamaGo at the same time. :/

Okay, so today at school I was playing with my iD L and two of my friends came up to me. Basically this was our conversation:

Them: "Isn't that a tamagootchi?"

Me: "TamagOtchi, but yeah."


Me: "Yup."

Them: "I always wanted one, but I never knew where to get it..."

Me: *hopefully* "Well I have a few Im not running. Wanna try them out???"

Them: "Nah, it's okay."

Well, it's a start, right??? :p I just wish they'd give it a chance...*sigh*


Missvioletchi and Seamus
