holy cow 0 lbs?


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Dec 4, 2007
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:angry: Ok so earlier on today I was playing with my V 4.5 Tamagotchi (it was a teen) It was about 30 lbs so I wanted to get it to loose weigh. After playing allot of games I noticed that it was 0 lbs has this happened to anyone else?

its fine now I just want to know how that works. :kusatchi: :p :p :mametchi: :hitodetchi: :p :mimitchi: :pochitchi: :nazotchi:

:angry: Ok so earlier on today I was playing with my V 4.5 Tamagotchi (it was a teen) It was about 30 lbs so I wanted to get it to loose weigh. After playing allot of games I noticed that it was 0 lbs has this happened to anyone else?

its fine now I just want to know how that works. :wacko: :p :p :mametchi: :hitodetchi: :p :mimitchi: :pochitchi: :nazotchi:
wow i have a hard time getting it to lose that much weight!! :nyatchi: :kusatchi:

Was it an Itchigotchi?  Because Itchigotchis tend to suddenly lose weight. :D
No it was a Ura Young Violetchi... I thought it could be because its fairylike and needs to be light to fly but now that just sounds crazy... Its now a Purimatchi so that can't be the reason. :(

Sorry to correct but it is primatchi. I have a ura young violetchi right now and it is about 86 pounds. Hito7 :angry:

No it was a Ura Young Violetchi... I thought it could be because its fairylike and needs to be light to fly but now that just sounds crazy... Its now a Purimatchi so that can't be the reason. :angry:
Some Tamagotchi's base weight is 0-2 pounds.

That sounds pretty strange because they shake their head if they get to their normal weight so it might be a glitch. hito7 :angry:

no it hasn't happened to me! anyway next time it happens feed him a few meals then that should put your tama right again!!! i don't think it is a glitch anyway good luck

FROM B) memetchi7 :furawatchi:

that is a cool glitch...but doesnt it get hungry if its weight decreases,

for me i can only play 1-2 games then my tama stops playing

and needs to eat.

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