Holy Muffin Tops


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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2006
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a place =D
[SIZE=21pt]Today we got a phone call from the school district that schools a half day tomarrow because of the heat. Also it was 100 degreese(sp?) outside!! I woke up and it sayed 85 on the thumometer(sp?). the suckiest thing is that our princible kept the girls late for a "dress code meeting". FUN FUN!! Cuz we cant have shorts shorter then ourhands at our sides and we have to check for clevage.i dont usually go out of the dresscode but the girls with alot of money want to flant it all.I dont get it there shorts are up there.....................butt.[/SIZE]





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same here. My parents are letting me just skip tomorrow since we aren't going to do anything at school except sweat.

lol it's hot here too.

we got like.. 7 calls from the school. i had a single session day today, and another one too.

it was like.. a sauna in the classes

HOW DO YOU GUYS GET DAYS OFF BECAUSE IT'S HOT??!?!?!?!!? Here in Texas it's been like 103*f every day and we still had school and had to run 3 miles in gym. I guess it's because it's pretty much always like that, even in the winter here it's 90*f. But, yea. Your so lucky!

Edit:Do you live in Wisconsin or something?

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I live in NJ. The hottest it ever got here was 100 degrees, but it got to 105 today and it's still Spring.


[SIZE=7pt]I'm in Canada, so I measure in Celcius. :( [/SIZE]

It was close to 40 today. With humidex.

I took 3 showers today just becuase it was so hot.

I don't like it too much.

Worst, 3 hours from me, there's some ugly tornado sightings going on.

Tomorow's 32 degrees with thunderstorms all day. :wacko:

Are you joking? They're making it a half day because it's 100 degrees?

Dude, it's like.. ALWAYS that hot here. :/

i live in iowa! we are having the worst flooding! today was only like 75 f

You people are lucky. I can't stay home. I have final exams. It was so hot today. The school has not AC at all. =.= But they made us stay here. If there was a terrorist in the school or a huge bomb threat they'd make us stay in school.

Are you joking? They're making it a half day because it's 100 degrees?
Dude, it's like.. ALWAYS that hot here. :/
That is because where I live, it's world record heat here.

Not much heat in NJ. 105 is burning for us.

Where do you live tamaw/pants? Florida?

Meh. Its hot in NJ. x_X

We had a half day yesterday and today because of the heat. XP It feels gross in the Annex, a SMALL building, with tons of kids.... X_x

tomrules74185296: I live in NJ too. Its about 90+ or 85 today. Are you in Mommouth(Sp?) County? Or where?

Wow, you guys are so lucky, to be even HAVING that much hot weather there D:

It's like, stuck permanantly Under 30 degrees in stupid ol' England.

Wow, you guys are so lucky, to be even HAVING that much hot weather there D:
It's like, stuck permanantly Under 30 degrees in stupid ol' England.
... but at least school days (in England) are bearable and everyone is not wilting in the classrooms because it is too hot... just imagine - having great hot weather like that all the time and being stuck in a hot classroom looking at it...

I think I prefer sunny days where I can actually sit outside.

Some parts of the world are just so hot / humid / uncomfortable that ppl have to stay indoors to escape the heat...

we got to dress down today....and my bus was canceled.

we also get to dress down tomorrow, which is wicked awesome.

[we wear uniforms, in case that wasn't clear. but everyone's wicked happy we don't have to]

Wow, we have about 35ºC average these days in Spain and we still have full day.

Still, next week is "Jornada Intensiva" which is the same number of classes, less playtime and you get out at 14:30 instead of 17:00 or 15:30.

They have also banned very short shorts, and bermudas, so I am not really sure what I can wear without stepping out of the 'dress code' or getting too hot. (They haven't made it clear if we can wear shorts, or if it only applies to extremely short shorts which I don't like because they are too uncomfortable anyway, it's like an extra pair of underwear more than anything else).

... but at least school days (in England) are bearable and everyone is not wilting in the classrooms because it is too hot... just imagine - having great hot weather like that all the time and being stuck in a hot classroom looking at it...
I think I prefer sunny days where I can actually sit outside.

Some parts of the world are just so hot / humid / uncomfortable that ppl have to stay indoors to escape the heat...
Ooh. Not good. xD

I like England better than any other country though.

It's weather is just perfect for all of us, just right.

But sometimes it gets too cold. D:

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