Homosexuality - what is your view?


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Personally, I see no wrong in homosexuality. If a man, or woman has intimate feelings for the same gender then that shouldn't be frowned upon. I can't say I understand why some people may never see homosexuality as being the correct way to love. People say you should do what you want if it makes you happy and if loving someone of the same gender makes that person happy, you should let them.

I can never fully understand why people cannot accept homosexuality, after all homosexuals are still human beings. But if God made us (I'm agnostic so I don't fully believe in God) then surely he would have known homosexuality would happen someday. He made our minds able to think, do and love on their own, so in a way God made homosexuality if he made us.

I think some people act to quickly against homosexuality. They don't seem to think about the happiness that some feel loving the same gender. Many people are scared to say if their homosexual in case their ridiculed by this, no one likes to be thought of differently for being who they are (This can relate to different things). I think everyone should think a bit more about this subject as millions of people are homosexual and they live on the same earth as us, breathe the same air, live for the same reason.

If you don't like homosexuals/homosexuality then you shouldn't make a big fuss about it, just let them live their lives how they wish.

im 100% fine with homosexuality, lots of my friends (male and female ones) are homosexual. its never bothered me ever in my life.

lots of my friends are even bisexual (my friend's sibling, my girlfriend, few other friends of mine)

for as far as i know i may even be bisexual i just may not know it yet.

people who are homosexual are just like anyone else, they wake up in the morning put on pants and goto work/school just like everyone else :)

i also have a long and semi-confusing theory that everyone person, animal and beings are bisexual, with a balance on which you gender you prefer.

look closely at this:

two straight people of the same gender can "turn on" each other just like they could of with the opposite sex. applies for males and females.

(this is the abriged/shortened version of my theory)

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I am homosexual, and of course I see nothing wrong with it.

I know when I was first coming to terms with myself, I was in denial and I didn't want it to be true. I was never against homosexuality, I've always supported it, but I just didn't want to be homosexual myself, you know? But I've of course come to terms with it. It's not something I can change since it's not a choice which I can say with personal experience. It bugs me when "homophobes" argue that homosexuality is a choice as if they understand anything us gays actually go through. Some people understand it better than others, but for others, it's hard to understand without that personal experience. Anyway, I'm proud of who I am. I enjoy being the person I am, and I've been lucky enough to be surrounded by people who accept me for who I am as well. :)

Yay, rainbows! :D

EDIT: I am so sorry for bumping this thread! I didn't even realize how long ago the last post was, woops. Sorry. :(

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I don't get why there's such a big deal about it. We shouldn't assume that a man and a woman being together is the "normal" thing. People should be able to fall in love with whoever they want without feeling bad about it or frowned upon

I'm a religious person. And God says pretty clearly in the Bible that gay's are wrong, so a true christian has to be against it. If you don't, you might as well dissobey everything God commands us to do.

For those who aren't religious I find it pretty simple that it's wrong and immoral: It's against nature. If everyone on the planet would live like that, the world would end.

Therefore my opinion is that it's very egoistical and disgusting act. But ofcpurse, to clarify myself, I think the same way about people that cheat on their partner or watch pr0n.

If it wasn't natural then numerous animals wouldn't be homosexual of choice.

Love and sexuality are two different things actually. Sometimes the same gender only appeals to you but you can't have a stable relationship with someone like this. Besides sexualities are things called romantism (heteroromantism, homoromantism, and biromantism)

Reproduction is important, but it must be a sad world to live in when only it matters, instead of love. It's just a second human after all. Mature. Capable of everything. Accepting. There's nothing wrong about it.

If you bash someone's love because your religion says it's bad, it's wrong. Religion was supposed to bring peace and love, and instead it brings only suffering and hate.

Plus, kinks aren't wrong either.

That's on a note.

I was a homophobe when I was younger because I was molested by a group of homosexual people because I looked a lot like a boy. (and wanted to be one). It's like being scared of a fruit because you got sick of it after you consumed it for the first time. Now I'm way over it and I'm okay with any sexuality (still now i have a big aversion to young girls who want to transgender...)

I'l afraid I don't understand the word "kinks". Google didn't help that much either.

I just said my opinion, you say there IS nothing wrong with it. Therefore you don't say it as an opinion but as a fact. And I dare say that IS wrong.

Also, I actually think like this a topic might be locked, since I've seen similar topics on other fora and they mostly seem to get out of hand, or end up people hating each other.

And for extra clarification: I don't hate these people, I just think it's a wrong thing to do.

I'm a religious person. And God says pretty clearly in the Bible that gay's are wrong, so a true christian has to be against it. If you don't, you might as well dissobey everything God commands us to do.
Really? Okay then, does that mean you don't swear, you don't have premarital sex (or will never), you don't accuse or judge people, you don't look at a woman in lust, you don't get anxious, you don't accept bribes? If you do, I guess you should just disobey everything God commands you to do?

I'm not trying to prove that the bible isn't real. Although I don't believe in it, I find it wrong when people try to preach to us that homosexuality is a sin and we shouldn't do it, and yet they themselves "sin" all the time.

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I'm just going to remind everyone to remain respectful and calm towards each other's beliefs and opinions (no matter how rude or wrong you think someone's reply might be).

If you are unable to share your thoughts without becoming angry or upset, you are best advised not to post a reply in the topic (and thus avoid breaking site rules).

Remember that this sub forum is intended for topics that allow for mature and focussed discussion.

Healthy debate can be educational and reading other ppl's ideas and opinions can be a real eye-opener sometimes, but don't discuss the subject ad nauseum, over and over and solely to try to persuade others to agree with your own viewpoint.

Really? Okay then, does that mean you don't swear, you don't have premarital sex (or will never), you don't accuse or judge people, you don't look at a woman in lust, you don't get anxious, you don't accept bribes? If you do, I guess you should just disobey everything God commands you to do?

I'm not trying to prove that the bible isn't real. Although I don't believe in it, I find it wrong when people try to preach to us that homosexuality is a sin and we shouldn't do it, and yet they themselves "sin" all the time.
I know exactly what you mean, and I also dislike those kind of people. But as you said, I indeed don't swear, I never have(and never plan to) have premarital sex, also I don't just accuse or judge people,(this doesn't mean that if it's certain they're doing something bad I will not say something). And I also try to avoid looking at women in lust. And I never have, never plan to accept bribes.

Also, being a christian, doesn't mean you are perfect and you never commit a sin.

I guess that wasn't the answer you were expecting. Too bad.

Really? Okay then, does that mean you don't swear, you don't have premarital sex (or will never), you don't accuse or judge people, you don't look at a woman in lust, you don't get anxious, you don't accept bribes? If you do, I guess you should just disobey everything God commands you to do?

I'm not trying to prove that the bible isn't real. Although I don't believe in it, I find it wrong when people try to preach to us that homosexuality is a sin and we shouldn't do it, and yet they themselves "sin" all the time.
I know exactly what you mean, and I also dislike those kind of people. But as you said, I indeed don't swear, I never have(and never plan to) have premarital sex, also I don't just accuse or judge people,(this doesn't mean that if it's certain they're doing something bad I will not say something). And I also try to avoid looking at women in lust. And I never have, never plan to accept bribes.

Also, being a christian, doesn't mean you are perfect and you never commit a sin.

I guess that wasn't the answer you were expecting. Too bad.

I'm a religious person. And God says pretty clearly in the Bible that gay's are wrong, so a true christian has to be against it. If you don't, you might as well dissobey everything God commands us to do...
I would be interested to know which particular chapter and verse and which version of The Bible you have in mind.

I think in several cases the problem perhaps lies with the translation from the old Hebrew words and their true meaning at the time the verses were written compared to their interpretation and meaning today.

Obviously, the word "gay" is a current term (and I'm not convinced that the word "homosexual" is even a correct/true translation of the original hebrew words' meanings...).

I suggest that there are many verses open to misinterpretation or mistranslation.

Moreover, I suggest that there are many instructions given by God to Moses on Mt Sinai which no one follows today.

I often wonder why some of those instructions are used to prove a sin whilst other instructions given by God are disregarded and not considered a sin.

It's a very deep and complicated subject.

(I typed this reply before TamaMum replied to the topic, I'm not angry at her just for also explaining her points. It's just the people who are trying to start arguments over what's right and what's wrong. But yeah, it is a very complicated subject and I don't really know much about the Bible haha!)

I understand you guys are trying to prove your points about what you think about homosexuality/homophobes, but not everyone believes the same thing you do and I don't want this to turn into an argument. :c

People were asked for their thoughts on homosexuality. Stefan Bauwens replied with what he thought about it.

Even though I don't agree with him, I still understand that he is a religious person and I accept that! I don't quite understand his points exactly but if he chooses to follow that, so be it. uwu

He believes that homosexuality is wrong, and that's okay. Some people think it's wrong, others think it's right. I don't understand why it's such a big deal that he doesn't support it. I really don't mind at all!

I know exactly what you mean, and I also dislike those kind of people. But as you said, I indeed don't swear, I never have(and never plan to) have premarital sex, also I don't just accuse or judge people,(this doesn't mean that if it's certain they're doing something bad I will not say something). And I also try to avoid looking at women in lust. And I never have, never plan to accept bribes.

Also, being a christian, doesn't mean you are perfect and you never commit a sin.

I guess that wasn't the answer you were expecting. Too bad.
Actually, I'm pleased with your answer. I respect that you're very religious, and although I don't agree with your views on the topic, I'm glad to hear you at least follow the words you preach unlike many other people who argue about this topic.

i'm a christian as well, the bible does say to love everyone! "love the sinner, not the sin...." but who are we to judge what is a sin to God and what isn't?


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Not being okay with something also needs a skill.

If you don't bash, call names, phisically or mentally abuse someone of a different sexuality but just quietly, QUIETLY judge him, it's not a bad thing.

Personally I'm demisexual, I can fall in love only with people I have a strong bond with and don't judge by the looks. But preferably I prefer males, yet I have a girlfriend while I don't really like other girls in any possible way.

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