House m.d


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Yup, no one's obsession can come close to mine xD

Season four was AWSOME! I wonder how House got his guitar back LOL!

We may as well keep posting here since no one has posted in my topic for awhile. =P

Yup, no one's obsession can come close to mine xD
Season four was AWSOME! I wonder how House got his guitar back LOL!

We may as well keep posting here since no one has posted in my topic for awhile. =P
I guess no one is quite a fan like us, lol.

Can I ask a Question, where do you get the funny house avatars?

thankies tt1o1

I get them at I go to search and type 'House MD' You don't need an account, just so you know.

I can't wait for tomorrow's episode! I want to see the applicants drinking shots to get hired xD

OMG...Yesterday's episode was HILARIOUS!

I think House reeeeally likes Cameron's hair xD I can't stop laughing at the fact Chase diagnosed the patient

Sorry for the double-post and possibly bumping this topic but...


Yesterday, I was watching the two new episodes of The Simpsons and a promo for tomorrow's House came on. SPOILER WARNING: The narrator dude said House started to question his life. When he said that, it showed a clip of House taking out a knife. The next clip came up and someone was doing CPR on him! HOUSE IS GONNA COMMIT SUICIDE PROBABLY! (Or hallucinate it xD)

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