how 2get Violetchi on v4


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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2007
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Things u should know be4 reading how 2 get Violetchi: i'm a BAD speller, but u'll understand wat i'm saying...otherwise, u shouldn't worry about weight until it's a child or teen. Pluss there are speical ways 2 lose weight and i'll mention that, if it doesn't work, don't report me, it's either u did sumthing wrong, or there was a total miskake that happend in here. :rolleyes: , by the way, tamagotchis don't grow the way u want 2!!!

BABY: isn't it oviuse? It's supose 2 be a GIRL!!!

CHILD: It should be at least under 45 pounds, or it'll be much harder in the teenagor age, it's suppose 2 be that little mohak dude!

TEENS: Ok, this might be the hardest part of the directions, if u got that one gost, or a nitnatchi, then i'm srry, tamagotchis don't grow the way u want them 2!!! But if u got this: B) , u're on the right track. Now teach it creativite pts, it must hav over 100!!! Or u'll get this: :lol: . The weight matters the most!!! It must hav in between 35 & 27 weight, the best weight would be 33, or 32!! This tamagotchi needs this stuff!!

ADULT: There u hav it! A :hitodetchi: !

Also, if u get a young :) , an dteach it creativity, X_X, u hav a :) ! Or if u hav this; :furawatchi: , and teach it soical life, X_X, u'll get a :) ! If sumthing goes wrong, do it agin, other wise, leave me a note! bye!

Do you know how to do it for v 4.5s? Thats what I have.
I suppose it would be much the same, except instead of playing dance play Shapes with it. ;)

If you need any other help feel free to ask. B)

an u tell me what icon is arts, and how to raise them up?

i want one of theses jobs

These jobs you will get depending on your art.

Rock Star



Fashion Designer


Uh..I had a mohitamatchi and it evolved into an itchigotchi but it evolved into a MEMETCHI instead. :D

Well, never mind. I love MEMETCHI!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :p :eek:

That's cool that you all tried it, but I didn't know how Tamalover12997's tamagotchi could've evolved into a memechi; i'll need more info on how it might've happend...

Well, for those who want a Violetchi, it must be in the Meme family, like if you had a Memechi marry a Toegetchi and then havew a girl, you could have a better chance of getting a Violetchi. Here are all the adult tamagotchis in the Meme family:

Tosakatchi, the smartest one.

Memechi, the outgoing one.

Ponichi, the cute one.

Toegetchi, the fuzzy one.

Violetchi, the one you want to get.

And there's that part bumblebee part cat one.

And the Speical character.

Btw; flower=creativity, pencil=Smart, and the star=Soical life, and don't forget, me= =D!

Hey! Sudenly everyone wants a violetchi! In december, everyone was complaining about how annoying they were.

Anyway, I tried your idea, tosakatchigal, and it worked! I now have Fleur, the violetchi! Thank you for taking the time to find this out for all of us!

No proublem marierock13, I just love to help others! My goal is to get every single tamagotchi there is! :D

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An easier version of this.

Start with a baby, then a child. If you're lucky you'll get Ichigotchi (Bad care) or Young Memetchi (good care). Play Flag over and over. That will get your kindness up for some reason. If you do it right and have Young Memetchi or Ichigotchi you will get a Furawatchi/Leaftchi/Violetchi, whichever it is. In V4.5, it is a bad care character, and in V3 and V2 it's random.

Also, I'll post the different skill points from EnTama/V4, and I only know one from V4.5, Smiley Face equals Funny.

Pencil: Intelligence

Star: Fashion

Flower: Kindness


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