How are you feeling?


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exited because I actually got 100% for my presentation about making ferrets legal in california ^_^ XD I thought I was dreaming LOL (I'm at school XD)

and tired because my mom and dad woke me up really early again XP why must school start at 7 in the morning!?!?


I'm okay.

I'm listening to sad-ish songs right now, so I'm a bit down and pensive.

And a bit stressed out and procrastinating. I have a big presentation for the Japanese speech contest coming up (I'm presenting on Kyudo - Japanese archery.) and I've barely even started. I have so much left to do. D:

I wanna go do my hair. :3

I've felt sick since lunch. I ate 3 times as much food as usual just to annoy Grace and ate some green potatoe chips as a dare. I bloated up so bad that I look pregnant. I'll sleep it off.

I'm also still in shock. I was pushed in the deep end of the pool and i'm hydrophobic and freak out if my head goes under. I inhaled too much water and i'm still trying not to freak even more.

tired- it's 1:36 AM, I'm lying in bed with my laptop...because I wanna go on TT ^_^

angry- the computer's about to run out!! NOOOO, I want to stay on TT :(

lazy- I don't want to climb down my ladder and get the cord. lol

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