How are you punished by your parents?


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When my parents are in a bad mood a rare spanking on my butt and it usually teaches me my lesson for a while then if I get in trouble again she will do it harder .....

Though normally I jsut get grounded or smacked

owo Both my parents just shout. If it's really bad, they just send me to my room and ground me. :C

You have it east then Rocken Sisters :D

What would you bve liek if you got spanked by your parents?

You have it east then Rocken Sisters :D
What would you bve liek if you got spanked by your parents?
I think, a few times when I was younger they use to slap/hit or something but I threatened that I'd tell the school, so they stopped. o.o I think I would go mental if they did though because, to be honest, I'm not actually a naughty child or anything. Yeah, I do, do silly things but I make up for it.

Computer ban. Sent to my room. Thats it. They don't bother grounding me, as they know that I will get out eventually xD

I don't know... I never do anything bad that they find out about.

When I was younger and acting up in public though, my mum would just squeeze my hand, which didn't hurt but I couldn't pull away and sit on the floor and scream at her.

They shout sometimes, but yeah, they don't punish me, they just tell me to learn from my mistakes.

No computer.

Worst nightmare ever! Aaargh!

I get smacked, yelled at and sent to my room.

I hate it and its normally my brothers who get me into trouble.

I don't get in trouble that often.

When I was younger, I used to get spanked all the time. Now, my parents just threaten to hit me or slap me, but usually never do.

It's more that my mom yells at me. My dad is very laid-back, but my mom loves to scream and yell and rant.

A few times they've taken my cell phone away, or they just won't let me go somewhere the next time I have plans.

Well, up until I was about 11 or 12, if I did anything against my mom's wishes or anything she didn't like, I got my butt whooped.

This stopped when she found out I had CPS programmed in my cell phone, and also had it memorized.

After that, her punishments were taking things away and 'grounding' which included me going in my room for 5 minutes, calling a friend and leaving. Not what she wanted, but what was she really gonna do? I had the power of CPS over her.

My mom is really stupid when it comes to punishment beyond physical violence. She would take certain things away, but forget about others. Like she would take my cell phone, but wouldn't check if the SIM card was in it or not. I took it out in my pocket every time and put it in a different phone.

She took the doorknob off my door, but left the middle piece that connects to the frame in. She locked herself out of my room.

She banned me from the computer, forgot I had my laptop in my room.

Threatened to take away my game systems. Couldn't figure out how to unplug them. Didn't realize all she needed to do was take the controllers.

I mean really stupid stuff.

I've pointed half of this out to her now, and I make fun of her for it XD

Now she can't/wont do anything because I'm legally an adult, so it works to my advantage once again.

Usually yelled at and grounded off the computer. I'm too old for spankings or if they do try and spank me I don't let them and I go to my room and slam the door (don't do that if you get in trouble). Notch I feel your pain my little sister who's 12 gets me in trouble sometimes too and I just wanna smack her but I can't. When I was little I was a trouble maker ( still am ) when I was little usually I got whipped by a belt/spanked and I would usually scream/cry and go to my room and slam the door and once my mom locked me in my room when I did that.

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Mum yells and rants and stresses and blah blah blah.

Then Kyle says something like "You should've known better, sis."

So I go to my room for a while and sit around and do nothing, then go and apologise. That's all really.

When I was younger, I was smacked sometimes, if I was really bad.

The worst punishment I've ever had was when I broke three of Kyle's guitar stings. I had to pay to get the strings fixed xD

The ultimate form of grounding:

Disconnecting me from the internet ='[

Yes, that's it. Sometimes I'm yelled at too...

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