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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2007
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Are your school lunches good or gross or... whatever? ok, I know it's a stereotype that all school lunches are disgusting but I've heard of some that are edible. Mine however...they gave us chicken ribs once. the worst thing they ever served was this tasteless sandwich made of mystery meat!!! eww...

We like aren't American schools. We either buy pre-packaged, commercail food from the tuck shop or pack our own lunch.

We pack our own lunch, and sometimes have lunch orders.

My packed lunch is absolutely terrible. The sandwhiches are especially gross, and mum packs me rotten fruit and vegetables. Jen eats my sandwhiches though, and I eat hers. We swap, lololol.

Our canteen food is good. Apart from the hot dogs which don't have properly cooked sausages and the bread is incredibly stale. All the fruit, chips, drinks, ice-creams and stuff are great. And the pasta pie which Emily always has is epical.

I pack my own lunch. As if I would eat greasy and disgusting stuff. I don't even know what it is.

I usually pack my own lunch, but sometimes [mom] is lazy and she won't do it so I have to eat school lunch o_o But I LOVE the school's freshly made noodles. Yumyumyumyum! Amazingness! The rice is horrible though. So icky... Yuck!

We don't have a cafeteria anymore because our school is being rebulit.

We have to use two schools now.

I have 2 classes at one, and then 2 classes at the other.

On the plus side, my school hours are 1pm-5:35pm

So I get to sleep in and stay up late, ALL THE TIME.

and my classes are all 1 hour long =]

used to be an hour and 40 minutes. uggh =]

But when we did have a cafeteria.. it was delicious! nomomomomom

They taste like complete crap, I hate public school lunch.

The pizza is undercooked, and has chunks in it. The meat is flavorless, and the cheese is processed. I HOPE next year that food ain't taste like it does now.

I go half and half with my school dinners. I'm usually an optimist with my food, so I generally enjoy what the dinner ladies serve me. We're not the stereotypical school canteen. Our lunches taste good. There's a huge variety of meals, but I'm naturally a calorie addict, so it's the desserts I live for. Brownies and cookies twice and a week, and all the other days will be fruit salads or watermelon chunks. And I'm still determined for a Starbucks outlet somewhere near our school canteen. I'd seriously die of happy dancing. :D

Most of the time, however, I have to eat food from a packed lunch. Simply because my parents don't appreciate paying $5.50 per day, for me to eat at school. My packed lunches consist of sandwiches or pasta, something sugary, and fruit. With the occasional treat. I find my Mum's lunches dull, but I covered my lunchbox with stickers and such, and [with the help of my friends] named her Barney, so everything is good.

My school lunches fail. Usually, the meat is some mixture of turkey/beef/chicken/pork/tofu. It tastes really, really, odd. I have a really poor school [ In fact, we can't afford buses anymore. I have to walk to school next year. ] so we can't afford anything really great, so no fresh fruit or veggies or anything. Just strange frozen stuff.

I don't usually eat lunch, I just bring a Coke.

It's not really that my school's food is bad tasting really, but that it's horrible for you health wise. It's like eating at McDonald's everyday or something. They have like 6 different lines with different foods and you pick which one you want, or you can go off campus for lunch too. (I went to Bush's Chicken today, lol.) Anyway, the lines have things like fried popcorn chicken, corn dogs, mozzarella sticks, hot wings, taco salad that sits in a huge fried bread bowl, pizza, egg rolls, lasagna (sometimes), some Chinese food thing with rice that actually comes in a takeout box, french fries, Chicken Alfredo every Tuesday or Wednesday, and lots of other things. You see what I mean. Fried junk is all they feed us. That's why I bring my lunch everyday. Less fat on my thighs. :rolleyes:

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My schools food is pretty bad. There are no real 'tasty foods', but htey arn't too b ad. And they do have good cool soft drinks. :rolleyes: They're fun.

Pretty much what Ripcurl said with his first two sentences, he hit the nail on the head then.

The food at my school...Is so Godly. T.T

The fries are to DIE for. The sandwhiches are amazing, they have huge fresh cookies, everything is fresh, everything is good...Yumm...

:3 I love it all.

Our school food is so awesome. Except you have to buy it, but it's good stuff.

It's real food - not gross stuff that no one wants to eat, but it's food that people would want to pay for. There's salads, chicken burgers, subs, COOKIES, poutine, PIZZA, perogies, wraps, etc. It's pretty much like a restaurant at school.

I wish I could afford to get lunch at school everyday, soooo good.

My school has lunches delivered from a hot lunch company for most schools in my city. Some of the food is awesome, but others suck, like the mashed potatoes. They use the gross powder stuff... I eat home lunched on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and hot lunch on Tuesday and Thursday.

My schools food is pretty bad. There are no real 'tasty foods', but htey arn't too b ad. And they do have good cool soft drinks. :( They're fun.
Pretty much what Ripcurl said with his first two sentences, he hit the nail on the head then.
*Off topic, but just to clarify* Uh, I'm a girl, lol! ^_^ Ripcurl does kinda sound manly huh?

Anyway, my school even has a bakery line too. Cookies, ice cream, chips, cappuccinos and hot chocolate, muffins and rice crispy treats. :p

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You guys are so lucky! Oh my god! You have fresh food! Everything here comes from a can, or is frozen for 3-4 weeks before we eat it.

The only edible thing we have is Gatorade. Dx Stupid ghetto school. We have these weird, greasy cookie things, that are usually about half cooked to save money. Thats all we eat there.

However, on occasion, they have this stuff from Pizza Hut, but only the rich kids can afford it, so I never get it because if I do, people get all annoyed with me, xDD They'll be whispering: "DANGGG! Dat rich CHICK thinks she's all that and STUFF." Actually wording. [ I replaced swears, however. You can tell by the CAPS ]

Nobody really eats at lunch anyway. We throw stuff and get in fights. Lovely, I know. Officers walk up and down the rows, with their little walkie-talkies, I feel like I'm in jail.

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